
What patients think of the United States healthcare plan
Senators are currently debating and voting on a national health care plan. What should an American health care plan include?

A recent PatientsLikeMe poll of 2,755 members found that while politicians debate the details, patients across the U.S. are largely united. Check out this ranking of the key components, according to patients, and learn how to take action below.

7 must-haves for a U.S. health care plan*

  1. Major medical expenses
  2. Preventative care
  3. Outpatient visits for chronic illnesses
  4. Pre-existing conditions
  5. Some costs of prescribed medications
  6. Mental health conditions
  7. Some costs of medical equipment

* From a May 4-9, 2017 PatientsLikeMe poll of 2,755 members with a variety of health conditions and from all major political parties and all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia. At least 95% of patient respondents “agree” or “strongly agree” these aspects should be part of a plan that provides essential help to the most people.


3 quick steps to take action

Want to share the patient voice with your U.S Senators and Representatives as they continue to debate what should be in a plan? Follow these 3 steps to spread the word – and add your own perspective.

  1. Find your members of Congress at Democracy.io.
  1. Click the “Write to them!” button (you can write to all of them in one message, so it’s easy).
  1. Copy and paste this suggested subject line (or feel free to write your own): “Did you see this patient poll? 7 must-haves in a U.S. health care plan”

Then copy and paste the above list of “7 must-haves for a U.S. health care plan” (tip: include the footnote about the PatientsLikeMe poll as a citation). Paste it into the “Message” field.

Add any other details you’d like in your message, such as an intro like: “Hi, I’m Taylor, [Optional: I’m living with a health condition] and I want to share the unified patient voice on American health care policy because it affects me and my family.” Hint: Keeping it brief and polite tends to be most effective.

Select “Health” in the “Topic” dropdown and then click “Send.” You’re done!