How Patients Like You Use Your Treatments in the Real World (Cont’d)

Here is our second blog about the two recent studies published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) about how patients like you are actually using your treatments. Study Two:  Treatment Adherence Barriers Your doctor has likely told you that it’s best to take your medication as prescribed.  But in the real world, there… Continue reading How Patients Like You Use Your Treatments in the Real World (Cont’d)

How Patients Like You Use Your Treatments in the Real World: Two New Studies

Ever wonder how many patients like you are using drugs off-label?  Or how hard is it to take MS medications as prescribed?  You’re about to find out. In January, the PatientsLikeMe R&D team published not one but two studies in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) in an effort to provide answers about how… Continue reading How Patients Like You Use Your Treatments in the Real World: Two New Studies

Share Your Data to Untangle ALS!

Our ALS Community recently broke the 5,000-member mark, making it the largest of its kind in the world as well as the ideal platform for expedited research.  And that’s just what we’re working on. Since the community’s launch in 2006, we’ve conducted a number of research studies, both internally and in collaboration with leaders in… Continue reading Share Your Data to Untangle ALS!

Comparing Our Transplants Community to the UNOS/OPTN Databases

Last November (2010), PatientsLikeMe was fortunate to have the opportunity to showcase our research at the world’s largest gathering of kidney and kidney transplant professionals.  The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) annual meeting is the premiere event platform for debuting revolutionary treatments, cutting-edge technological breakthroughs and top research findings. PatientsLikeMe presented a poster about our… Continue reading Comparing Our Transplants Community to the UNOS/OPTN Databases

Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part III – more R&D)

The research team is very proud of how our team has grown in 2010 and the impact we’ve made in the academic community.  In 2010 alone, PatientsLikeMe and our work were mentioned in scientific literature more than 133 times.  All of this is because of what you share with us. Yesterday, we highlighted some of… Continue reading Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part III – more R&D)

Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part II – R&D)

The PatientsLikeMe research and development (R&D) team is excited about what we can all share and learn in 2011.  Here’s a look back at some of what patients like you shared with us, and what we then shared with the world, in 2010. The R&D team published and presented some unprecedented insights based on what… Continue reading Share and Compare: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part II – R&D)

PatientsLikeMe at the American Epilepsy Society Meeting 2010

Earlier this month, PatientsLikeMe was fortunate enough to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society in San Antonio, Texas. We were there to spread the word about PatientsLikeMe to some 4,000 attendees including epileptologists (physicians specializing in the treatment of epilepsy), neurologists, nurses, and researchers. We had a great spot on the… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the American Epilepsy Society Meeting 2010

Treat Us Right: Comparing Cymbalta and Lyrica in the Fibromyalgia Community

Since its launch in November 2008, our PatientsLikeMe Fibromyalgia Community has served as a place for more than 11,000 fibromyalgia patients to share with, find, and learn from others.  Over the past 2 years, thousands of you have reported using Pfizer’s Lyrica® and Eli Lilly’s Cymbalta® as prescribed treatments for your fibromyalgia. PatientsLikeMe recently analyzed… Continue reading Treat Us Right: Comparing Cymbalta and Lyrica in the Fibromyalgia Community

Treat Us Right: Mapping What Patients Think About Medications

One of the ways we can better understand whether you, as patients, are having a positive or negative treatment experience is to “listen” to the conversation you’re having in our forum.  By understanding whether you are having a positive, negative, or neutral experience with a particular treatment you are taking or are considering taking, we… Continue reading Treat Us Right: Mapping What Patients Think About Medications

Treat Us Right: Comparing our Community to the General Population

Our recent series entitled Share and Compare focused on how patients like you can better answer the question, “How do I put my experience in context?” The answer, in part, comes from how much information you share to help create that context of real-world patient experiences.  Think of it this way – with every piece of information… Continue reading Treat Us Right: Comparing our Community to the General Population