NFL Player Steve Gleason’s Inspiring ALS Story

Did you catch the pre-game show before Sunday’s Super Bowl XLVI?  If not, you missed a beautiful NBC piece about Steve Gleason, who spent seven seasons as a safety with the New Orleans Saints. Diagnosed with ALS a year ago, Gleason now walks with a cane, and his speech has been impacted.  The new father… Continue reading NFL Player Steve Gleason’s Inspiring ALS Story

Living with ALS: What We’ve Learned

Yesterday, our interview with ALS blogger and three-star member Rachael gave you a glimpse into what it’s like to live with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease).  Today we take a closer look using the data and experiences shared by our 4,844 ALS members, who comprise the world’s largest online ALS population. ALS, which stands for amyotrophic… Continue reading Living with ALS: What We’ve Learned

Spotlighted Blogger: ALS Patient Rachael of “Notes to Self”

Welcome to the third installment of our new blog series featuring patient bloggers. Last week, we introduced you to Parkinson’s blogger Steve, and today, we’d like you to meet Rachael, a three-star member who has been a part of PatientsLikeMe’s flagship ALS community since the very beginning. In fact, she joined PatientsLikeMe in May 2006,… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: ALS Patient Rachael of “Notes to Self”