Getting back in the groove — 5 hacks + hints for routines that work

Even if you haven’t been a student for several years, back-to-school season feels like the time to get back into a routine. What’s involved in a good routine? And what are the potential health perks of a basic regimen? See what the research shows, and join PatientsLikeMe to swap ideas with other members in this forum chat. How… Continue reading Getting back in the groove — 5 hacks + hints for routines that work

PatientsLikeMe honored with award of distinction at Ars Electronica

Ars Electronica – one of the foremost centers for art and technology – honored PatientsLikeMe at their annual festival with the Award of Distinction. The Prix Ars Electronica is one of the most prestigious prizes in the fields of media, technology, animation, and interactive art. This year, there were a record number of submissions with… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe honored with award of distinction at Ars Electronica