PatientsLikeMe at the NHS Innovations Expo

If you’ve ever tuned in to one of our podcasts or had a chance to view one of our videos, there’s a certain characteristic you might have noticed about me.  I’m British.  Very British indeed. During the course of my academic research career, I spent 6 years working alongside neurologists, psychiatrists, and a multidisciplinary team… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the NHS Innovations Expo

How Patients Like You Use Your Treatments in the Real World: Two New Studies

Ever wonder how many patients like you are using drugs off-label?  Or how hard is it to take MS medications as prescribed?  You’re about to find out. In January, the PatientsLikeMe R&D team published not one but two studies in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) in an effort to provide answers about how… Continue reading How Patients Like You Use Your Treatments in the Real World: Two New Studies