Lupus And Period Problems, Explained

Are you living with lupus (SLE) and experiencing problems with your monthly period? (Like, not getting it. Or having a really heavy, long period.) And have you ever wondered how lupus might play a role in this? Read on. What Does The Research Show? Small studies have found that people with SLE are at greater risk… Continue reading Lupus And Period Problems, Explained

Join the Band: Raising Our Voices for Lupus Awareness

“I was diagnosed with lupus (SLE) at age 20 and had already lost about 60% of my kidney function. I had chemotherapy for nine months along with intense steroid therapy. I thankfully went into remission and have been since four months after my diagnosis. I still struggle with fatigue and kidney problems although I was… Continue reading Join the Band: Raising Our Voices for Lupus Awareness