Quote of the Day: Jamie Heywood

“People often think of PatientsLikeMe as a social network, and I think what they miss is the fundamental part of our invention. What we’re really building is the first medical record designed to answer questions directly for patients. Not to do billing, not to do some other component of the healthcare system. To actually answer questions for patients. Paul Wicks,… Continue reading Quote of the Day: Jamie Heywood

One for All (Video): The Road Ahead at PatientsLikeMe

“We’re just getting started on a long road to really impact your individual disease and your quality of life…” Each week this month, we’ll be posting a video interview with a member of the PatientsLikeMe executive team.  You’ll hear from Ben Heywood, Jamie Heywood, David S. Williams and Paul Wicks, Ph.D. about what the recent… Continue reading One for All (Video): The Road Ahead at PatientsLikeMe

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 2009

Did you know that yesterday was Fibromyalgia Awareness Day? The PatientsLikeMe Fibromyalgia community is growing exponentially with more than 3400+ members just five months after its launch!  Many  of our members are feeling newly empowered by their membership in our community and are attending events, wearing pins and ribbons and taking the time to spread… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 2009

Happy 1st Anniversary Mood Community!

A year ago today, PatientsLikeMe launched our combined Mood community for patients with depression, anxiety, bipolar, obesessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.  It was first announced to the world in Thomas Goetz’s article, Practicing Patients, featured in New York Times Magazine. Since then, more than 8,700 patients have joined the community, sharing detailed information about… Continue reading Happy 1st Anniversary Mood Community!

Bringing you Medicine 2.0

Last week, PatientsLikeMe presented a keynote address at the inaugural Medicine 2.0 Congress in Toronto, Canada in front of 200 researchers from 20 countries. A new, annual international conference on Web 2.0 (social web) applications in health and medicine, this year’s event was centered around the theme: “Building Virtual Communities and Social Networking Applications for… Continue reading Bringing you Medicine 2.0