Wikinomics Blog Praises PatientsLikeMe Business Model

Yesterday Naumi Haque of the Wikinomics Blog referenced PatientsLikeMe as part of a bold prophecy regarding viable business models for social networking companies, particularly Facebook. First, we are honored that Wikinomics found our business model compelling given our decision to forgo an advertising-based revenue stream at this time. While Facebook is a pure-play social network… Continue reading Wikinomics Blog Praises PatientsLikeMe Business Model

PatientsLikeMe Receives Its First Scientific Award

PatientsLikeMe, the leading treatment and outcomes sharing website for people with life-changing diseases, is proud to announce its first scientific poster award. Today, at the 20th anniversary meeting of the British Neuropsychiatry Association (BNPA), Dr. Paul Wicks, resident researcher at received the Association’s first prize for the best poster presentation, entitled “Telesocial medicine for… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Receives Its First Scientific Award