Happy 1st Anniversary Mood Community!

A year ago today, PatientsLikeMe launched our combined Mood community for patients with depression, anxiety, bipolar, obesessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.  It was first announced to the world in Thomas Goetz’s article, Practicing Patients, featured in New York Times Magazine. Since then, more than 8,700 patients have joined the community, sharing detailed information about… Continue reading Happy 1st Anniversary Mood Community!

10,000 MS Patients and Going Strong…

Today, the PatientsLikeMe Multiple Sclerosis (MS) community welcomed its 10,000th patient member! As we end 2008, more than 10,000 patients in our community are coming together to share their life experiences on PatientsLikeMe. How much experience is that? Try more than 32,000 YEARS of collective experience with MS. More members than ever are sharing in-depth… Continue reading 10,000 MS Patients and Going Strong…

Voices of Fibromyalgia: Q&A with Minnie Lee

PatientsLikeMe’s David S. Williams sits down with well-known blogger, triathlete and fibromyalgia patient, Minnie Lee.   Lee, an early member of our new fibromylagia community which launched this week, has a public profile on the site. *** (David) When were you diagnosed with fibromyalgia and when were your first symptoms? (Minnie) I was diagnosed in late… Continue reading Voices of Fibromyalgia: Q&A with Minnie Lee

PatientsLikeMe sponsors MS Challenge Walk on Cape Cod

PatientsLikeMe was recently one of the sponsors for the 2008 MS Challenge Walk on Cape Cod, a three-day, 50-mile event held on September 5-7, 2008. More than 620 walkers participated, each raising a minimum of $1,500.  Overall the event raised close to $1.4 million to benefit Multiple Sclerosis (MS) education, support, advocacy and research. The… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe sponsors MS Challenge Walk on Cape Cod

Bringing you Medicine 2.0

Last week, PatientsLikeMe presented a keynote address at the inaugural Medicine 2.0 Congress in Toronto, Canada in front of 200 researchers from 20 countries. A new, annual international conference on Web 2.0 (social web) applications in health and medicine, this year’s event was centered around the theme: “Building Virtual Communities and Social Networking Applications for… Continue reading Bringing you Medicine 2.0

PatientsLikeMe Unleashes Real-World Treatment and Symptom Information to the Public for ALS and Multiple Sclerosis

PatientsLikeMe, the leading treatment and outcome sharing community for people with life-changing conditions, has released the most comprehensive real-world treatment and symptom dataset on ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Previously, similar real-world information would have had to be mined and aggregated from proprietary sources such as hospital systems or insurance companies. Now,… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Unleashes Real-World Treatment and Symptom Information to the Public for ALS and Multiple Sclerosis

PatientsLikeMe Receives Its First Scientific Award

PatientsLikeMe, the leading treatment and outcomes sharing website for people with life-changing diseases, is proud to announce its first scientific poster award. Today, at the 20th anniversary meeting of the British Neuropsychiatry Association (BNPA), Dr. Paul Wicks, resident researcher at PatientsLikeMe.com received the Association’s first prize for the best poster presentation, entitled “Telesocial medicine for… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Receives Its First Scientific Award