Today’s Photo: Texans in Motion for ALS

Please meet ALS patient alsgirl (front and center in the wheelchair), who led a PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored team at the 2011 Walk to Defeat ALS in Dallas, Texas.  A longtime PatientsLikeMe member who is part of the ALS Public Registry, alsgirl has been living with this degenerative disorder – also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease – for… Continue reading Today’s Photo: Texans in Motion for ALS

Today’s Photo: A Sea of Bright Blue in Motion

Please meet ALS patient iceberg (front right), who led a PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored team at the 2011 Walk to Defeat ALS in Western Pennsylvania.  We count at least 25 bright blue PatientsLikeMeInMotion t-shirts worn by the team (called “Hrezo’s Heroes”), making this one of the biggest groups we’ve sponsored! Congrats to iceberg and all of our PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored… Continue reading Today’s Photo: A Sea of Bright Blue in Motion

Photo of the Week: Angels in Motion

Please meet ALS patient sillyangel, who led a PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored team at the Walk to Defeat ALS in Des Moines, Iowa, on October 8, 2011. As you’ll see, she proudly wore her bright blue PatientsLikeMeInMotion t-shirt to stand out in the crowd. Congrats to sillyangel and all of our PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored teams for your efforts to raise… Continue reading Photo of the Week: Angels in Motion

Photo of the Week: Wheels in Motion

A number of our ALS and PLS members use wheelchairs, but that doesn’t keep them from participating in awareness walks sponsored by PatientsLikeMeInMotion. Please meet Power Mom, a grandmother of six who led a team at the Walk to Defeat ALS in Long Island, New York. Congrats to Power Mom and all of our sponsored teams… Continue reading Photo of the Week: Wheels in Motion

Flickr-ing PatientsLikeMeInMotionTM

Ever wonder what your fellow members were up to on their sponsored walks and runs in various states across the country? Last week, PatientsLikeMe launched a Flickr page for the PatientsLikeMeInMotionTM program. Now you can see photos of members just like you in motion!   We are excited to share the experience of sponsored teams and… Continue reading Flickr-ing PatientsLikeMeInMotionTM