What’s in your “chemo bag”? Gearing up for lung cancer treatment

Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments for lung cancer, so the community on PatientsLikeMe is chatting about what’s helpful to pack in a bag for chemo appointments (join PatientsLikeMe to take part in this lung cancer forum discussion). Everyone’s experiences, side effects and preferences are different, but here are some items that people who’ve had chemotherapy say… Continue reading What’s in your “chemo bag”? Gearing up for lung cancer treatment

Spill the beans: How do caffeine and Parkinson’s disease interact?

Do you crave that cup (or more) of joe each day? Or a spot of tea or chunk of chocolate? Research about caffeine and Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been all over the map. What have studies shown? And what’s the PatientsLikeMe community’s take on caffeine and its effects when you’re living with PD? Take a… Continue reading Spill the beans: How do caffeine and Parkinson’s disease interact?

Member Christine’s Instagram takeover for World Lupus Day

In case you missed it or you’re not on Instagram, on World Lupus Day (May 10), PatientsLikeMe member Christine took over our Instagram to share her experiences and help raise awareness of lupus (May is Lupus Awareness Month). Christine is a native Californian, a social butterfly, an advocate and a member of our 2018 Team of Advisors (check… Continue reading Member Christine’s Instagram takeover for World Lupus Day

2 immunotherapy treatments in the news: Imfinzi and Keytruda update

Two immunotherapy treatments — Imfinzi (durvalumab) and Keytruda (pembrolizumab) — have made headlines recently in relation to lung cancer treatment. What’s the latest? Here’s an update. Expanded FDA Approval For Imfinzi The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first approved Imfinzi as a bladder cancer treatment in 2017. Imfinzi is marketed by AstraZeneca. In February 2018, the FDA approved… Continue reading 2 immunotherapy treatments in the news: Imfinzi and Keytruda update

Health news: What’s making headlines this month

Let’s stay on top of the latest health news — in case you missed it, check out this round up of some of the stories making headlines in May. ALS May is ALS awareness month: Later this month, advocates from across the U.S. will head to Capitol Hill to meet with their legislators. Check out how… Continue reading Health news: What’s making headlines this month

Lupus Awareness Month: Lupus Warrior Jeanette recaps her D.C. advocacy trip

In honor of Lupus Awareness Month, meet PatientsLikeMe member Jeanette, who recently traveled to the U.S. Capitol to advocate for lupus research funding. (Psst — here are some ideas on how to “Go Purple” this May and raise awareness of lupus!) “I try to help the world,” says Jeanette Alston-Watkins (JeanetteA6872). The full-time working mom of two… Continue reading Lupus Awareness Month: Lupus Warrior Jeanette recaps her D.C. advocacy trip

5 Earth-friendly ideas for patients

As Earth Month winds down, explore some environmental pointers, including how to donate (gently used) wheelchairs, what to do with empty pill bottles (earbud/jewelry case, anyone?) and where to dispose of unused meds (April 28, 2018, happens to be National Prescription Drug Takeback Day at 5,000+ sites across the U.S… read on!). 1. Donate unused… Continue reading 5 Earth-friendly ideas for patients

Managing MS fatigue & guilt

Ever feel guilty about how your MS symptoms impact your life or the people around you? Like you can’t “pull your weight” or that people don’t understand that needing to rest is a real symptom and not laziness? The PatientsLikeMe community can relate — there are nearly 26,000 members with MS reporting fatigue as a symptom, and… Continue reading Managing MS fatigue & guilt

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) by the numbers, 30 years in

Now that deep-brain stimulation (DBS) — a groundbreaking treatment for Parkinson’s disease — has been around for just over 30 years in the U.S., check out some stats and data about it. Plus, see how many members of the PatientsLikeMe community have had DBS and what they’ve said about it. What is DBS and how… Continue reading Deep brain stimulation (DBS) by the numbers, 30 years in

Remodeling for ALS? Tips from a pALS who’s been there

Thinking about remodeling your home but don’t know where to begin? You’re not alone. Many people living with ALS consider a remodel to accommodate their needs as their condition progresses but don’t know where to start. To get some real-world advice, we talked to Jonathan Woodman, a pALS who recently renovated his garage into what… Continue reading Remodeling for ALS? Tips from a pALS who’s been there