PatientsLikeMe Facebook Page

Are you on Facebook? We are! Simply search for “PatientsLikeMe” to find our new company page. Once there, click “Become A Fan,” and a “My Pages” link will be added to your profile. Remember, Facebook is an open platform that anyone can view and isn’t part of PatientsLikeMe. Therefore, any information you share about you… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Facebook Page

HIV: The Story is Far From Over

Recently, PatientsLikeMe opened a community for people affected by HIV, our first outside the area of neurological diseases. Since then, we’ve gained some 700 patients in the community, including a member who goes by the name of “BrightonBear.” His experiences are quite unique as he’s been living with HIV for more than 25 years and… Continue reading HIV: The Story is Far From Over

PatientsLikeMe Update: November 2007

It’s been six months since we launched our first newsletter, and a lot has happened at PatientsLikeMe in that time. With the holiday season now upon us, we thought we should give thanks for the amazing strides made in all our communities. There is power in numbers, as they say, and we are grateful to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Update: November 2007

PatientsLikeMe Update: September 2007

The buzz about PatientsLikeMe is growing! In August, Business 2.0 magazine and recognized PatientsLikeMe as one of 15 companies that will change the world. To be selected, a company must have “the potential to rewrite the rules of existing industries or open up entirely new markets.” We couldn’t agree with this assessment more; after… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Update: September 2007