PatientsLikeMe Featured on Bloomberg TV

On October 9th, Bloomberg TV aired a four-and-a-half minute “Innovators” segment profiling PatientsLikeMe’s journey as company.  Filmed partially in our office in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the piece features PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder and Chairman Jamie Heywood as well as Ed Sikov, a PatientsLikeMe member with Parkinson’s disease.  Our thanks go to Bloomberg’s Nicole Lapin for her in-depth coverage… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Featured on Bloomberg TV

The Joy of Being Helpful

Many patients with life-changing conditions report feelings of grief and guilt about no longer being able to do many of the things they did in the past.  As a recent discussion in our forum revealed, however, patients are finding ways to reset their perspective and boost their self-esteem by focusing on what they are still… Continue reading The Joy of Being Helpful

The Importance of Open Access: An Interview with Patient Advocate Graham Steel

A native of Glasgow, Scotland, Graham Steel is a longtime “Guest Researcher Member” of PatientsLikeMe.  Following the death of his brother Richard at the age of 33 from a rare condition known as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), Graham became involved in patient advocacy work, and most recently, in lobbying for open access to published scientific… Continue reading The Importance of Open Access: An Interview with Patient Advocate Graham Steel

Take an HIV Test. Take Control.

“CDC estimates that 55 percent of adults – and 28 percent of adults with a risk factor for HIV – have not been tested.  Too many people living with HIV are being tested and diagnosed too late to take advantage of effective HIV treatment and prevention options.” – Dr. Kevin A. Fenton, Director, CDC’s National… Continue reading Take an HIV Test. Take Control.

Women’s Health Week: “It’s Your Time”

Ladies, we know your lives get busy.  So why not pull out your calendar or smartphone right now and see if you’re due for a visit to your health care providers?  You’ll be doing your part for National Women’s Checkup Day (observed today, Monday, May 14th), an annual event that’s part of National Women’s Health… Continue reading Women’s Health Week: “It’s Your Time”

A Peek at the February Newsletter for Members

What kinds of things do we cover in our monthly newsletters for members? Take a look at the excerpt below from our February edition. Also, in case you didn’t know, anyone – whether a PatientsLikeMe member or not – can view our current and past newsletters in our Newsletter Archive. See what we’ve been up… Continue reading A Peek at the February Newsletter for Members

E-Patient Dave’s Top Internet Resources

We first introduced you to E-Patient Dave – a well-known blogger, author and keynote speaker in the healthcare space – last summer.  Given our similar views on many health matters, we see a lot of E-Patient Dave at the conferences and events we attend.  Case in point, our President and Co-Founder Ben Heywood was on… Continue reading E-Patient Dave’s Top Internet Resources

Thriving Against Expectations: Ben Heywood’s Moving TEDx Cambridge Talk

Last November, we shared our takeaways from TEDx Cambridge, a one-day event featuring 30+ speakers and lots of Ideas Worth Spreading (TED’s mission).  The theme for this particular gathering was “Thrive.”  How can we as individuals – and communities – not just survive but thrive? One of the speakers to take a crack at that… Continue reading Thriving Against Expectations: Ben Heywood’s Moving TEDx Cambridge Talk

Our Patients’ Hopes, Thoughts and Resolutions for 2012

Many people look at a new year as a fresh start – a chance to begin new routines, eliminate bad habits and shift priorities.  But not everyone believes in making resolutions. Here are several different patient perspectives on approaching the new year: “In 2012, I will make daily exercise a priority. Research reveals it is the… Continue reading Our Patients’ Hopes, Thoughts and Resolutions for 2012

Holidays Wishes from PatientsLikeMe to You

The holidays are a time for thinking about everything you hope and wish for in the coming year.  They’re also a time for appreciating everything you already have.  As our season’s greetings to you, we wanted to share a wish expressed by each member of our management team. “I wish for every patient and family… Continue reading Holidays Wishes from PatientsLikeMe to You