“You get out of life what you make it”: Member Anna shares her experience living with IPF

Meet PatientsLikeMe member Anna, who’s been living with IPF since 2011. Below, see what she shared with us about her diagnosis, how she fills her days with the things she loves, and how she’s learned to tackle daily tasks like shopping and cleaning while living with a chronic condition. She also touched on how PatientsLikeMe helped… Continue reading “You get out of life what you make it”: Member Anna shares her experience living with IPF

Life-changing second opinion stories: “I decided to get a second and third opinion…”

Stories showing the importance of second opinions have been popping up in the media and on PatientsLikeMe. Check out the recent news headlines, hear a remarkable story of a PatientsLikeMe member who received a life-saving lung transplant after getting a second (and third) opinion, and share your own experience of piecing together your health puzzle.… Continue reading Life-changing second opinion stories: “I decided to get a second and third opinion…”

PF Awareness Month

September is Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month, and in honor of that, we’re rounding up what members of the PatientsLikeMe community have shared about pulmonary fibrosis on our blog. First off, for those who don’t know – what is pulmonary fibrosis (PF)? It’s a chronic, progressive scarring or thickening of the lungs, which makes it difficult for… Continue reading PF Awareness Month

Meeting PF patients where they are

Say hello to John (John_R), a father, grandfather and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) survivor. Sound familiar? Last year he shared his story about life after a double lung transplant and the importance of considering a lung transplant early. This year, John started a Facebook group to live-stream pulmonary fibrosis (PF) support group meetings and conferences.… Continue reading Meeting PF patients where they are

“I thank my donor every day for this gift”: Member Laura shares her lung transplant story

Meet LaurCT, an active 2015-2016 Team of Advisors alum living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). She underwent a left lung transplant at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston in January and recently shared her experience with us. How are you feeling these days?  I am feeling great. I’ve had a couple bumps in the road… Continue reading “I thank my donor every day for this gift”: Member Laura shares her lung transplant story

Meet Glenda from the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors

  Meet Glenda (gagafor2), a member of the 2016-2017 Team of Advisors. Glenda is a wife, mother and grandmother who finds great joy in making others happy. She’s also living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Recently, Glenda told us about coming to terms with the “unknown” in her future and coping with anxiety: “PatientsLikeMe became… Continue reading Meet Glenda from the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors

PatientsLikeMe Welcomes Next Patient Team of Advisors

  CAMBRIDGE, Mass, November 14, 2016—PatientsLikeMe has named 11 members to its patients-only 2016–2017 Team of Advisors, which this year will focus on elevating the patient voice. Team members will share their stories, participate in community initiatives, and give real world perspectives to our industry and research partners. “Each year, our Team of Advisors has proven… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Welcomes Next Patient Team of Advisors

Patients as Partners: Member Laura on launching a PF support group

Over the past few months, the Team of Advisors has been sharing how they use the Partnership Principles in their personal health journeys. Laura, who’s living with IPF, recently sat down with us to talk about the New Britain PF Support Group she launched in Connecticut, and how important it is to have a community… Continue reading Patients as Partners: Member Laura on launching a PF support group

“You may not like it, but make the MOST of it.” – An interview with IPF member Nikki

When Nikki (Nimiha) was diagnosed with IPF in 2010, she was already a survivor of both ovarian cancer and a heart attack. Staying positive and up-to-date on new information is now this retired RN’s best defense – and she’s been sharing it with her IPF family on PatientsLikeMe since March. We had the chance to… Continue reading “You may not like it, but make the MOST of it.” – An interview with IPF member Nikki

Your data doing good: IPF treatment experiences

Every minute of every day, people are sharing their health data on PatientsLikeMe. Some of you are focused on tracking how you’re doing over time. Many want to make sure the next person diagnosed can learn from your experience. All are contributing to the greater good, because what you share helps researchers see what patients… Continue reading Your data doing good: IPF treatment experiences