Unexpected Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) can be one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose because of the variety of symptoms it causes and the ways they present. Most people with MS experience their first symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40. Sometimes, symptoms can come on suddenly and go away just as quickly. Other times, symptoms will start minimally and progressively get worse. Because MS effects everyone… Continue reading Unexpected Warning Signs of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Integrative Treatment for MS

Managing multiple sclerosis can be difficult, especially when it comes to choosing between different treatment options. You want a treatment plan that is going to help minimize your symptoms while being mindful of any side effects. All the while making sure that your mental health is being protected.  Many patients with MS use an integrative or complementary approach to… Continue reading Integrative Treatment for MS

Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Multiple Sclerosis

Have you wondered why your vision got so blurry, or why you feel tired all the time? Maybe you’re having trouble remembering things, and your mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be. These symptoms can be scary, and it can be frustrating when there are no clear answers about what they may be.… Continue reading Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Multiple Sclerosis

Lessons Learned on a Seventeen Year Journey to Diagnosis

Meet Trisha (@DXMS06) Before Trisha Bordelon, a 69-year-old PatientsLikeMe (PLM) user from Springfield, Missouri, officially received any diagnosis, she was guilty of what many of us in her shoes would do – spend hours going down a rabbit hole of internet searches to try and figure out what was going on with her health. She… Continue reading Lessons Learned on a Seventeen Year Journey to Diagnosis

Stem Cell Treatment For MS

Stem Cell Treatment For MS - Stem Cell For MS

Stem cell therapy is a popular topic in the MS forum and some members are already tracking and evaluating their experience. How does it work? Are there risks? To find answers to your stem cell therapy questions, we asked our team of in-house health professionals to take a look at the current research What are stem cells?… Continue reading Stem Cell Treatment For MS

MS & Vertigo: How do you cope?

Ever have a sudden loss of balance or feel like the room is spinning? You’re not alone —it’s a popular topic in the forum, and vertigo might be to blame. See what other members have shared about their experience with this symptom and how they cope. What’s vertigo? Vertigo is the feeling that you, or the… Continue reading MS & Vertigo: How do you cope?

MS constipation blues? See 12+ treatment options

Feeling “irregular” on the regular? Constipation is a common issue for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS), affecting as many as 40% of patients. Over 15,000 MS members on PatientsLikeMe report experiencing bowel problems and of those, about 47% have reported it as “moderate” or “severe” – take a look here. With help from our team of… Continue reading MS constipation blues? See 12+ treatment options

Staying mobile with assistive walking devices: Member Cathy weighs in

walking devices

Do you have difficulty walking or getting around? Have you considered using a wheelchair, walker or cane? Making the decision to use a walking or mobility aid can be difficult. You’re not alone. Here, PatientsLikeMe member Cathy living with multiple sclerosis shares about how she overcame the fear of losing her independence and how using a cane is… Continue reading Staying mobile with assistive walking devices: Member Cathy weighs in

Health news: What’s making headlines in June

In case you missed it, check out this round up of some of the stories making headlines in June…   Parkinson’s disease: Apple Watch will now be able to monitor PD: Tech developers announced this month that the Apple Watch will now be able to track two common PD symptoms — tremors and dyskinesia —… Continue reading Health news: What’s making headlines in June

How to prepare for a doctor’s appointment: 7 tips from member Cathy

Ever feel confused or overwhelmed after a doctor’s appointment? Forget to ask important questions or bring up new symptoms? Covering all of your concerns in a 30-minute appointment can be tricky. MS community member Cathy can relate — read on to see how she’s learned to make the most of her appointments and check out her… Continue reading How to prepare for a doctor’s appointment: 7 tips from member Cathy