Spotlighted Blogger: Parkinson’s Patient Steve Ploussard of “Attitude & Fitness Wins”

Last week we kicked off a new blog series featuring patient bloggers, and today, we’re pleased to present our second installment.  Please meet Steve Ploussard, a longtime PatientsLikeMe member who writes a blog about living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) called “Attitude & Fitness Wins.”  Steve decided that blogging was the perfect way to “come out”… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: Parkinson’s Patient Steve Ploussard of “Attitude & Fitness Wins”

Today’s Photo: Mama in Motion

Please meet multiple sclerosis (MS) patient hotmama08, who led a PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored team that included two four-legged advocates at Walk MS in Columbia, SC, on May 14, 2011.  We especially love how the team member to the right wore bright blue shoes to match her PatientsLikeMeInMotion t-shirt! Congrats to hotmama08 and all of our PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored teams… Continue reading Today’s Photo: Mama in Motion

Life with Bipolar I Disorder: What We’ve Learned

Yesterday, our interview with bipolar blogger Andrea gave you a glimpse into what it’s like to live with bipolar I disorder.  Today we take a deeper look into this mental health condition using the data and experiences shared by our 1,237 bipolar I members. First off, however, you may have heard of something called bipolar… Continue reading Life with Bipolar I Disorder: What We’ve Learned

Spotlighted Blogger: Bipolar patient Andrea of “Lithium and Lamictal”

How do we know we’re truly living in a Health 2.0 age?  Recently, we’ve discovered that a number of PatientsLikeMe members have fascinating blogs chronicling what it’s like to live with their respective health conditions. For example, we told you in August about the acclaimed gastroparesis blog “My Broken Stomach,” written by one of our… Continue reading Spotlighted Blogger: Bipolar patient Andrea of “Lithium and Lamictal”

A Day in the Life of PatientsLikeMe Research Scientist Mike Massagli

What’s it like to work at PatientsLikeMe?  We’ll be revealing just that with our new blog series “A Day in the Life,” which features various employees from different departments.  To start this new series off with a veteran perspective, we interviewed Research Scientist Mike Massagli, PhD, one of the longest tenured employees of the company. … Continue reading A Day in the Life of PatientsLikeMe Research Scientist Mike Massagli

Write, Snap and Share for World AIDS Day

Today, December 1st, is World AIDS Day.  30 years after the first reports of AIDS in the United States, HIV – the virus that can lead to AIDS – is still a reality for 1.1 million Americans.  Complicating matters is that fact that one in every five people living with HIV in the United States… Continue reading Write, Snap and Share for World AIDS Day

Today’s Photo: Uniting for Parkinson’s

Please meet Parkinson’s disease (PD) patient Judith, who led a PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored team at the Parkinson’s Unity Walk in New York City last April.  Held annually in Central Park, this massive grassroots event donates 100% of funds raised to PD research. Congrats to Judith and all of our PatientsLikeMeInMotion-sponsored teams for your efforts to raise funds… Continue reading Today’s Photo: Uniting for Parkinson’s

What Patients Are Thankful For

Thanksgiving is a time for remembering all the reasons you have to be grateful.  For patients who face numerous health challenges, this can mean reminding yourself of all the things you have gained – not lost – since your diagnosis. One theme that we’re especially proud to hear our 120,000+ members express is how thankful… Continue reading What Patients Are Thankful For

Is Today the Day You Quit Smoking for Good?

That’s what the American Cancer Society hopes. Today, November 17th, is the Great American Smokeout, now in its 36th year.  It’s a day for quitting smoking or making a plan to quit.  The reason for doing so is pretty compelling:  tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the… Continue reading Is Today the Day You Quit Smoking for Good?

Giving Caregivers the Recognition They Deserve

“The true strength of the American family finds its roots in an unwavering commitment to care for one another.” – President Barack Obama November is National Family Caregivers Month, “a time to thank, support, educate and empower family caregivers.”  There are more than 65 million family caregivers in the US who day in and day… Continue reading Giving Caregivers the Recognition They Deserve