Being an Advocate for ALS

Last month, we had the opportunity to interview PatientsLikeMe member t1961, who attended ALS Advocacy Day, held May 8-10, 2011, in Washington, DC. What does it mean to advocate for your disease on Capitol Hill? How can you personally make a difference? Check out the interview below to learn why this ALS patient felt the need… Continue reading Being an Advocate for ALS

30 Years of AIDS

On June 5, 1981, the Centers for Disease Control’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) described the first reported cases of AIDS in the US.  Thirty years later, is observing this date with a campaign called “The Federal Government and 30 Years of AIDS.” What have we learned about Human Immunodefiency Virus (HIV) and… Continue reading 30 Years of AIDS

Get to Know a Mental Health Patient Today

If one in four American adults is affected by a mental health condition, that means someone within your immediate friends and family could be struggling with a treatable condition right now.  Do you know who your “1 in 4” is?  Or what signs to look for in someone who may be depressed? Two weeks ago,… Continue reading Get to Know a Mental Health Patient Today

One for All: How Medical Research Is Changing Right Before Our Eyes

“I think what’s really exciting is the scale we’re operating under.  My PhD was conducted with 80 patients.  Last week, I got survey responses from 4,000 patients in a week.  That is unparalleled power in the research world.” – Paul Wicks, PhD This week marks the third installment of our latest video series, which explores… Continue reading One for All: How Medical Research Is Changing Right Before Our Eyes

PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Cast Your Vote!

The submissions are in and it’s now time for you to decide the winners of the first-ever PatientsLikeMe Video Contest! We asked “How has PatientsLikeMe changed your life?” and our members have worked long and hard to prepare their answers in these memorable videos.  Take a look and vote for your favorite! PATIENTSLIKEME VIDEO CONTEST – VOTE HERE There… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Cast Your Vote!

Raise Your Awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)

May is ALS Awareness Month. To help spread the word about this progressive neurodegenerative condition, which affects approximately five out of every 100,000 people worldwide, we wanted to tell you a little bit about our patients with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Due to our founders’ personal experience with this disease, ALS was the very first… Continue reading Raise Your Awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)

Two Mental Health Videos You Need to See

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? To help put a face on mental health conditions, which affect one in four American adults, we wanted to share two amazing patient stories. They both created heartfelt videos as part of our PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself Video Contest,” and we’re proud of what a great… Continue reading Two Mental Health Videos You Need to See

Canine Caretakers: How Service Dogs Can Help Many Types of Patients

Now that PatientsLikeMe is open to any patient with any condition, we’ve noticed more patients with different conditions sharing similar lifestyle modifications. One example is the use of a service dog. What are the benefits – both expected and unexpected – of a four-legged assistant?  We asked some of our members to talk about their… Continue reading Canine Caretakers: How Service Dogs Can Help Many Types of Patients

It’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!

At the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association, this year’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is themed CURE FM (Campaign for Understanding, Research & Education of Fibromyalgia), and many of our members are working to do just that. Beginning as early as January, our fibromyalgia members have worked together to order t-shirts, send letters to TV shows… Continue reading It’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!

Join the Band: Raising Our Voices for Lupus Awareness

“I was diagnosed with lupus (SLE) at age 20 and had already lost about 60% of my kidney function. I had chemotherapy for nine months along with intense steroid therapy. I thankfully went into remission and have been since four months after my diagnosis. I still struggle with fatigue and kidney problems although I was… Continue reading Join the Band: Raising Our Voices for Lupus Awareness