“Seesawing Libidos”: A podcast for Parkinson’s Awareness Month

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, and this year we’re getting personal. “Seesawing libidos,” an episode of WBUR Boston’s Modern Love podcast, explores an unexpected side effect of a Parkinson’s medication: an overactive sex drive. The story comes from comedian Marc Jaffe, whose wife Karen was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 15 years into their marriage. Before Karen’s… Continue reading “Seesawing Libidos”: A podcast for Parkinson’s Awareness Month

Meet Jeff from the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors

Say hello to Jeff, another member of your 2015-2016 PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors. Since he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) 20 years ago, Jeff does his best to stay active—in both exercise and advocacy. Keeping up with his two teenage daughters is challenging enough, but when he’s up to it, Jeff also golfs, plays… Continue reading Meet Jeff from the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors

A patient’s perspective: member Gary reports back from the FDA public meeting on Parkinson’s disease

Back in September, Sally Okun, Vice President of Advocacy, Policy and Patient Safety, and community moderator Molly Cotter, attended the FDA public meeting on Parkinson’s disease (PD) along with PatientsLikeMe member Gary (tupelo). We posted some interesting developments from the meeting in the forum, but we also caught up with Gary for his perspective on… Continue reading A patient’s perspective: member Gary reports back from the FDA public meeting on Parkinson’s disease

Recapping with our Team of Advisors!

Many of you will remember meeting our inaugural Team of Advisors from when we first shared about this exciting team last year! This group of 14 were selected from over 500 applicants in the community and have been incredible in their dedication and desire to bring the patient voice directly to PatientsLikeMe. As the team… Continue reading Recapping with our Team of Advisors!

Update and results – the Patient Voice Analysis study

About a year ago, the PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s disease (PD) community started something totally different: a study to compare the sound of their voices to their self-reported PD Rating Scale (PDRS) on PatientsLikeMe. It’s called the Patient Voice Analysis (PVA), and we teamed up with you, Max Little, Ph.D. and Sage Bionetworks to get it done.… Continue reading Update and results – the Patient Voice Analysis study

You can make a difference in April

Eight years ago this April, the PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s disease (PD) community launched, and now, more than 12,500 people are sharing about what it’s like to live with PD. What better way to recognize this awesome community than to participate in Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month? Listen to Leslie Chambers, the president and CEO of the American… Continue reading You can make a difference in April

Patients as Partners: Hallucinations and Parkinson’s disease questionnaire results

It’s time for another Patients as Partners post, and today, we’re happy to share the results of the Hallucinations and Parkinson’s disease questionnaire. In March 2014, more than 500 PatientsLikeMe members living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) took part in an Open Research Exchange (ORE) questionnaire about their condition. They worked with Dennis Chan and Ruth… Continue reading Patients as Partners: Hallucinations and Parkinson’s disease questionnaire results

Open funding for open science to accelerate ALS research: An interview with Prize4Life CEO Shay Rishoni

Just about a year ago, we teamed up with Sage Bionetworks and TED Fellow Dr. Max Little for an ongoing Parkinson’s disease (PD) project called the Patient Voice Analysis (PVA).   The big idea: combine data from two sources – phone-based voice recordings and patient reported data from PatientsLikeMe’s Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (PDRS). Then,… Continue reading Open funding for open science to accelerate ALS research: An interview with Prize4Life CEO Shay Rishoni

2014 recap – a year of sharing in the PatientsLikeMe community

Another year has come and gone here at PatientsLikeMe, and as we started to look back at who’s shared their experiences, we were quite simply amazed. More than 30 members living with 9 different conditions opened up for a blog interview in 2014. But that’s just the start. Others have shared about their health journeys… Continue reading 2014 recap – a year of sharing in the PatientsLikeMe community

Getting to know our 2014 Team of Advisors – Lisa

A few weeks ago, we kicked off the “Getting to know our 2014 Team of Advisors” blog series with Dana, a PatientsLikeMe member from New Jersey that is living with bipolar II. And now, we’d like to introduce you to another member of the team – Lisa.  About Lisa (aka lcs) Lisa’s recent work experience… Continue reading Getting to know our 2014 Team of Advisors – Lisa