Parkinson’s Patient Interview: A Spring in Your Step

As you know, we like to just check in with our members to see how you’re doing as a person, not just a patient.  This week on the blog, we’re highlighting some interviews to help you get to know some of the people here just like you.  Here’s an interview with member “angela_b,” a member of our PatientsLikeMe Parkinson’s Community who was interviewed for one of newsletters last year.   Read on to learn more about what puts a spring in her step, how she copes with her Parkinson’s, and what’s she’s learning from other patients.  Enjoy!

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2166 (Amy) What puts a spring in your step?
angela_b_pd-original (angela_b)

That would have to be my new love for crafting. I didn’t realize how many ideas I had hiding away in my head until just recently. Now, you cannot even mention a shower or party, and I’ll start planning what favors to give.

2166 (Amy) How do you like to spend holiday weekends?
angela_b_pd-original (angela_b)

I am a hostess by nature – that I get from my momma – so I love to have picnics/parties at the house. Plus it’s easier for me to give the party than to go to one. I have four kids, ages 11, 8, 3, and 1, so you never know what the moods will be!

2166 (Amy) What is helping you to cope with your condition?
angela_b_pd-original (angela_b)

I have a humongous support system. My family, friends. It’s pretty awesome. Plus, my husband and I just started our own non-profit (Running for Parkinson’s) to raise money and help fund Parkinson’s related issues within our community. We run (he runs, I try very hard to…LOL) and this helps keep me motivated!

2166 (Amy) What have you learned recently at PatientsLikeMe?
angela_b_pd-original (angela_b)

I’ve learned a lot from lurking. I’ve found many answers, like my cramping when I run is dystonia, and a lot of people have the same sleep issues. I’ve found that we all have a lot of “non-parky” things in common, such as career choices, crafting, running.

We are all in this fight together. It’s great to know that I am not alone in this, but surrounded by great, loving, caring people.

2166 (Amy) Thanks, angela_b!