Discuss the Effectiveness of InflammaCORE for Bowel Irritability

Is InflammaCORE helpful in reducing a chronic inflammatory burden?  Can it alleviate bowel irritability?  Find out just that by sharing your experiences with other patients at PatientsLikeMe and learning what they have to say about this nutritional supplement. A protein powder drink mix, InflammaCORE is marketed as a potent way to support your gastrointestinal, cardiovascular… Continue reading Discuss the Effectiveness of InflammaCORE for Bowel Irritability

Four Issues, Four Solutions: The Evolution of PatientsLikeMe

Like many of the changes we make to our site, the recent upgrades at PatientsLikeMe – including opening up the site to any patient with any condition and allowing you to share  multiple conditions through your profile – were the direct response to what you, our patients, have asked from us. Over the past five… Continue reading Four Issues, Four Solutions: The Evolution of PatientsLikeMe

PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Deadline Extended!

How has PatientsLikeMe changed your life?  You told us…and let us just say “wow!” Many of you submitted amazingly powerful videos to answer that question. Thank you!  Given the number of requests we received, however, we’re extending the PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest deadline for a few weeks to give more of you the chance to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest: Deadline Extended!

Share Your Experiences with Euphytose

Available without a prescription in France, Euphytose is an herbal treatment for anxiety and depression that contains six plant extracts:  Hawthorn, Passionflower, Valerian, Ballota foetida, Cola nitida and Guarana (Paullinia cupana).  The latter is available in France as an over-the-counter anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) agent. Producing both sedative and stimulant effects, Euphytose combines traditional herbal remedies for… Continue reading Share Your Experiences with Euphytose

PatientsLikeMe Refutes Published Clinical Trial

Congratulations to our R&D team here at PatientsLikeMe for its most recent paper published in Nature Biotechnology (“Accelerated clinical discovery using self-reported patient data collected online and a patient-matching algorithm”).  The full paper has been made available by Nature so you can read the results and access all of the supplemental data and figures. Below are… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Refutes Published Clinical Trial

How Much Do You Know About Autism and IBS?

“When you have a child with special needs, you really start to feel like you’re constantly the squeaky wheel as you advocate for your child. After a while, you start to wonder…’is it me?’ But I’ve already found several other parent advocates who are going through the same thing.” – Autism Caregiver It’s Autism Awareness… Continue reading How Much Do You Know About Autism and IBS?

Tell the World: Video Contest Update

The countdown is on! There are only two weeks left for our patients to enter the PatientsLikeMe “Express Yourself” Video Contest and have a chance to win one of five American Express gift cards ranging from $150-500. If you haven’t heard, we are asking patients to create a video of three minutes or less that… Continue reading Tell the World: Video Contest Update

Do You Use Refresh Ultra to Treat Dry Eyes?

Refresh Ultra is an over-the-counter (OTC) brand of lubricant eye drops designed to help protect your eyes and keep them lubricated throughout the day.  How well does it work?  Are there any side effects?  And how much does it cost?  These are all things you can report when you share your experiences with others at… Continue reading Do You Use Refresh Ultra to Treat Dry Eyes?

The Patient Voice Heard Loud and Clear at AHCJ ’11

Last week, we had the opportunity to be a part of the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) annual conference in Philadelphia, PA.  Carla Johnson, medical writer for the Associated Press, invited PatientsLikeMe to be part of her session entitled “Tapping into the e-patient phenomenon.”  It was a great opportunity for us to help healthcare… Continue reading The Patient Voice Heard Loud and Clear at AHCJ ’11

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Openness in Healthcare (Episode 4)

“I think we can see there are a lot of ways where openness can be powerful.  What’s necessary is to help facilitate openness and reduce the barriers to sharing medical information.” – Ben Heywood PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder Ben Heywood has blogged previously about openness and sharing – and how important they are for patients. In this… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Openness in Healthcare (Episode 4)