Worth a thousand words: A day in the life of Larry

As a child, Sarah Howell loved art. She got her first camera at 6 years old and realized, over time, that she had a way of connecting emotionally and expressing herself through photos. Now, she has her own studio. Her passion? Capturing genuine family moments. Sarah often stays overnight in the home of the family… Continue reading Worth a thousand words: A day in the life of Larry

A day in the life of User Experience Designer Flavia Gnecco

By now, you’re probably familiar with our “Day in the life” series. But in case you haven’t had a chance to check it out, here’s a quick overview: members of the PatientsLikeMe community share a lot about their health journey and experiences on the site. In turn, we like to share stories from the PatientsLikeMe… Continue reading A day in the life of User Experience Designer Flavia Gnecco

A day in the life of Software Engineer Jacinda Zhong

In the last “A day in the life” post, Jonathan shared his story about his son Nolan’s hand injury. In case you aren’t familiar with the series, here’s the scoop. At PatientsLikeMe, we believe in the power of openness, and members frequently share about their health journeys and experiences with different conditions. And since they… Continue reading A day in the life of Software Engineer Jacinda Zhong