PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Openness in Healthcare (Episode 4)

“I think we can see there are a lot of ways where openness can be powerful.  What’s necessary is to help facilitate openness and reduce the barriers to sharing medical information.” – Ben Heywood PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder Ben Heywood has blogged previously about openness and sharing – and how important they are for patients. In this… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Openness in Healthcare (Episode 4)

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Research (Episode 1)

Since 2006, PatientsLikeMe has made great strides in medical research for patients. Of course, all of the research that we do is made possible because of you, our members, and your willingness to openly share your health information, including your treatments, symptoms and outcomes. PatientsLikeMe-led research has been published in at least six different scientific… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Research (Episode 1)

Look Ahead with PatientsLikeMeOnCall™

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™  is proud to present a new podcast series called “A Look Ahead.”  Through these dynamic podcasts, we will be diving into the major shifts PatientsLikeMe sees ahead for patients, patient care and patient/industry collaboration. At the end of 2010, PatientsLikeMeOnCall released an episode called “The Patient Rules.” In this group podcast, we sat down with… Continue reading Look Ahead with PatientsLikeMeOnCall™