“We are the ones that know what is required to give us the care we deserve” — Member Ann shares her story for Rare Disease Day

 February 29 only comes around every four years – and this year, it’s extra special: Today marks the 9th annual Rare Disease Day. In the United States, a disease is considered rare if it affects less than 200,000 people at any given time.1  This year’s theme is all about elevating the patient voice, so we caught up with… Continue reading “We are the ones that know what is required to give us the care we deserve” — Member Ann shares her story for Rare Disease Day

Day-by-day, hand-in-hand

All around the world, everyone impacted by a rare disease is taking everything day-by-day. But they can take each day hand-in-hand with the help and support of others. Today, on Rare Disease Day (RDD), EURORDIS (Rare Diseases Europe) and its global partners are calling on everyone to lend a hand to anyone affected by a… Continue reading Day-by-day, hand-in-hand

Uniting for hope on Rare Disease Day 2014

Today, healthcare professionals, research advocates and many people living with rare conditions are coming together to observe Rare Disease Day. It’s all about raising awareness for rare and genetic diseases, improving access to treatments and learning more about what exactly makes a condition rare. In the United States, a disease is considered rare if it… Continue reading Uniting for hope on Rare Disease Day 2014

Living with hope – An interview on AKU with Alycia and Nate

We’ve had the pleasure of talking with and featuring many PatientsLikeMe members on the blog over the years, but Nate is the youngest by far. He’s just 5 years old and is living with Alkaptonuria (AKU), a rare metabolic disease, sometimes called Black Bone Disease. Recently, we had the chance to chat with his mom,… Continue reading Living with hope – An interview on AKU with Alycia and Nate

As 2013 winds down… Part II

When we kicked off 2013 back in January, we shared that what inspires everyone at PatientsLikeMe to live better is YOU. We also renewed our promise to continue putting patients first, and a couple days ago we posted on the blog about just some of  the ways the community has continued to change healthcare for good… Continue reading As 2013 winds down… Part II

A Brief History of AKU, the First Genetic Disease Discovered

Last week, we announced that we are creating the first open, global registry for alkaptonuria (AKU), in collaboration with the AKU Society.  You may not have heard of this extremely rare disease – which causes a severe, early-onset form of osteoarthritis – but it plays an important role in the history of genetic diseases.  In… Continue reading A Brief History of AKU, the First Genetic Disease Discovered

PatientsLikeMe and AKU Society to Develop World’s First Open Registry for Alkaptonuria Patients

Online Patient Network to Connect Patients With Rare Disease, Create Valuable Data for Research CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — January 9, 2013 — PatientsLikeMe and the AKU Society are working together to create the first open, global registry for patients with alkaptonuria (AKU), one of the world’s rarest diseases and the first genetic disease discovered. Nicknamed “black… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe and AKU Society to Develop World’s First Open Registry for Alkaptonuria Patients