Keeping it fresh for heart health month

Did you know February is Heart Health Month? Although heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in America, it’s also one of the most preventable diseases. It may seem impossible to stay on top of your heart health, but remember, sometimes the slightest change can make a huge impact!… Continue reading Keeping it fresh for heart health month

Food for Thought: A heart-healthy recipe for Heart Month

  February is Heart Month, a time to raise awareness for the leading cause of death in Americans: heart disease. Healthy eating can lower your risk for heart problems, so for this edition of Food for Thought, we’re sharing a recipe from the American Heart Association. Give this Thai chicken soup a try — it’s… Continue reading Food for Thought: A heart-healthy recipe for Heart Month

Wear Red Tomorrow for Women’s Heart Health

Did you know that heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined?  And that it’s largely preventable? Now you do – and there’s something you can do about it.  Participate in National Wear Red Day® tomorrow, February 3, 2012.  Better yet, get your friends and co-workers to dig into their closets as well.  Together,… Continue reading Wear Red Tomorrow for Women’s Heart Health