Learning from Others: Newsletter Highlights 2011

In the spirit of the New Year, here are some highlights from our recent newsletter.  Read what patients like you have to say about what they’re most interested in learning from other patients this year. * * * (Amy) What are you most interested in learning from other patients this year? (bradley25 – Mood Conditions… Continue reading Learning from Others: Newsletter Highlights 2011

Mood Patient Interview: How Far I’ve Come

We continue our series from last week of getting to you the person, not just the “patient.” Here’s an interview with member “Bradley25,” a member of our PatientsLikeMe Mood Community who was interviewed for our January newsletter.   Read on to learn more about how comparing his condition over time has helped give him hope… Continue reading Mood Patient Interview: How Far I’ve Come

Parkinson’s Patient Interview: A Spring in Your Step

As you know, we like to just check in with our members to see how you’re doing as a person, not just a patient.  This week on the blog, we’re highlighting some interviews to help you get to know some of the people here just like you.  Here’s an interview with member “angela_b,” a member… Continue reading Parkinson’s Patient Interview: A Spring in Your Step

Sharing and Learning with PatientsLikeMe

In December community newsletters (launched earlier this week), we asked some of our members to think about what they’ve shared and compared in 2010.  Below are highlighted answers from each interviewee across all nine community newsletters.  Thank you for your contributions. We also want to thank all of you who have contributed to the 90… Continue reading Sharing and Learning with PatientsLikeMe

Patient Interview: “A Sense of Togetherness, Love and Unity”

This week’s “Treat Us Right” theme focused a lot on the sentiments and data you share every day to help others learn more about your real-world experiences.  We, at PatientsLikeMe, also like to just check in to see how you’re doing as a person, not just a patient.  Here’s an interview with member “jesus reigns,”… Continue reading Patient Interview: “A Sense of Togetherness, Love and Unity”

An Interview with DannyD to Kick-Off ALS Awareness Month

It’s ALS Awareness Month!  Did you know there are more than 4,500 patients with ALS (PALS) in PatientsLikeMe’s flagship community?  We’ll be updating you all month on what is being learned by and from our PALS, so stay tuned.  To kick us off, here is an interview with one of our long-time, three-star members  –… Continue reading An Interview with DannyD to Kick-Off ALS Awareness Month