What can you do to challenge ALS in May?

It’s been 23 years since the U.S. Congress first recognized May as ALS Awareness Month in 1992, and while progress towards new treatments has been slower than we’ve all hoped,  a lot has still happened since then. In 1995, Riluzole, the first treatment to alter the course of ALS, was approved by the FDA. In… Continue reading What can you do to challenge ALS in May?

PatientsLikeMe member TMurph58 shares about his advocacy efforts and journey with ALS

TMurph58 is a longtime PatientsLikeMe member who is living with ALS. You may remember him from his 2012 interview, when he talked about the “Treat Us Now” movement and his experiences with ALS. We recently caught up with Tom, and he shared about his extensive advocacy efforts over the past few years, including his recent… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe member TMurph58 shares about his advocacy efforts and journey with ALS

“ALS is not for sissies.” – PatientsLikeMe member SuperScout shares about her journey with ALS

That’s what SuperScout likes to tell people when explaining her personal motto. She was diagnosed in 2009, and in a recent interview, she explained how she takes her life one day, and sometimes one hour, at a time. In her interview, she broke down what goes on during a typical visit to her ALS clinic,… Continue reading “ALS is not for sissies.” – PatientsLikeMe member SuperScout shares about her journey with ALS

Hacking our way to new and better treatments with integrated biology

When it comes to discovery and healthcare advancements, too many of us are more focused on the processes we use today rather than at a first principals level looking and what’s possible. We are a sector desperately in need of disruption to accelerate the generation of knowledge and lower the costs of developing new treatments… Continue reading Hacking our way to new and better treatments with integrated biology

PatientsLikeMe Attends 4th Annual ALS TDI White Coat Affair

Back in November, a whole group from the PatientsLikeMe team came together for a great cause and attended the 4th annual A White Coat Affair gala benefiting the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI). ALS TDI, founded by PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder and Chairman Jamie Heywood in 1999, is the number one nonprofit biotechnology organization dedicated to… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Attends 4th Annual ALS TDI White Coat Affair

“The human spirit is more resilient than we think” – PatientsLikeMe member mmsan66 shares her journey with ALS

PatientsLikeMe member mmsan66 was diagnosed with ALS back in 2008, but she’s been fortunate to experience an unusually slow progression, which currently affects only her legs. As a college professor, financial planner and ALS advocate, she raises awareness through her work with the Massachusetts Chapter of the ALS Association. She even finds time to visit… Continue reading “The human spirit is more resilient than we think” – PatientsLikeMe member mmsan66 shares her journey with ALS

“Perseverance, patience and acceptance” – PatientsLikeMe member Steve shares what it’s like to live with MND

Those three words describe how PatientsLikeMe member Steve says he has adapted to life with motor neuron disease (MND). He was diagnosed with MND (also known as ALS) in 2007, and technology has helped Steve navigate the challenges of living with ALS while raising three children. He’s also made a video about his journey, called… Continue reading “Perseverance, patience and acceptance” – PatientsLikeMe member Steve shares what it’s like to live with MND

“Bang for the buck.” PatientsLikeMe member Steve shares about his experiences with ALS and the IceBucketChallenge

Ice + water + video camera = a viral ALS awareness campaign that has spread over social media and the news like wildfire. Millions of dollars has been raised for ALS research while more and more, people are learning about this neurological condition. Recently, PatientsLikeMe member Steve (who has been living with ALS since 2009)… Continue reading “Bang for the buck.” PatientsLikeMe member Steve shares about his experiences with ALS and the IceBucketChallenge

Putting the spotlight on ALS

If you follow PatientsLikeMe on Twitter or Facebook, you might be wondering why our staff decided to dump ice water all over their heads this past week. Well, here’s what’s up: it all about raising awareness for ALS. It began in 2012, when local Boston College alumnus Pete Frates was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis… Continue reading Putting the spotlight on ALS

What lies ahead – PatientsLikeMe member John shares his journey with ALS

It’s already the second week of ALS Awareness Month, and as promised, we’ve got an interview to share with John (johnpp) – a PatientsLikeMe member that has been living with ALS since his diagnosis in the spring of 2013. John talks about a new sense of urgency that he feels along with his reaction and… Continue reading What lies ahead – PatientsLikeMe member John shares his journey with ALS