Can ketamine help when antidepressants don’t? A closer look at the off-label drug that’s in the spotlight

You may have seen ketamine making headlines recently as a promising drug therapy for treatment-resistant depression, or “TRD.” (What’s TRD? Health care professionals define it as receiving at least two different antidepressants– for at least six weeks in a row, and at an adequate dosage – but experiencing less than a 50% improvement in depressive symptoms.) So,… Continue reading Can ketamine help when antidepressants don’t? A closer look at the off-label drug that’s in the spotlight

Mental Illness Awareness Week 2012: Dismantling the Stigma

Did you know that one in four adults – or approximately 57.7 million Americans – experiences a mental health problem in any given year?  Or that one in 17 lives with a serious, chronic mental illness? Since 1990, National Mental Illness Awareness Week has been recognized by the U.S. Congress as a time for mental… Continue reading Mental Illness Awareness Week 2012: Dismantling the Stigma