Scoring with ATEC on PatientsLikeMe: New Feature for Patients with Autism

When we expanded PatientsLikeMe from serving a couple dozen conditions to serving several hundred overnight, we realized very quickly that our work was only just beginning. Since that early morning in April, our members (and staff) have added a lot more data to the system, including core symptom groups and commonly prescribed treatment surveys for… Continue reading Scoring with ATEC on PatientsLikeMe: New Feature for Patients with Autism

Calling All Families Affected by Autism

Back in April, we wrote a blog post observing Autism Awareness Month. At that time, we had just over 100 members with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Now, just two months later, we’re pleased to report that our ASD membership has more than tripled with over 350 members reporting ASD and nearly 100 reporting Asperger’s… Continue reading Calling All Families Affected by Autism