From Lupus Diagnosis to Fearless Patient Advocate

Meet Alyshia Alyshia Merchant was always healthy, but as a busy mom, she did experience fatigue from time to time. However, it wasn’t until she was out to dinner in 2012 when the early signs of her condition became more apparent. Her friends pointed out a rash that had spread across her cheeks and nose.… Continue reading From Lupus Diagnosis to Fearless Patient Advocate

Is there a medical gender gap? The not-so-brief history of sexism in medicine

As Women’s History Month comes to a close, take a look at the gender gap in health care and how the centuries-old notion of “hysteria” may still taint women’s experiences today. History of “hysteria” Turns out, there’s nearly 4,000 years worth of evidence that people believed women’s illnesses stemmed from the uterus or sexual issues. An Egyptian… Continue reading Is there a medical gender gap? The not-so-brief history of sexism in medicine

PatientsLikeMe and Merck Establish Health Information Collaboration Focused on Psoriasis

Patient-Based Research Aims to Produce New Insights Into Most Common Autoimmune Disease in U.S. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Aug 13, 2012 — PatientsLikeMe announces it has entered into a collaboration with Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, to evaluate the impact of psoriasis on patients and to inform a novel approach to improving outcomes. “A… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe and Merck Establish Health Information Collaboration Focused on Psoriasis

Psoriasis Isn’t Contagious…But Awareness Is

Did you know that psoriasis cannot be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact – or any other type of interaction? August is Psoriasis Awareness Month, an annual event dedicated to highlighting the life-altering impact of psoriasis and dispelling the many myths surrounding it.  Beyond the misperception that it may be contagious, another major misunderstanding is that psoriasis… Continue reading Psoriasis Isn’t Contagious…But Awareness Is

What Do You Know About Celiac Disease?

Gluten-free products are now readily available in many grocery stories – and for good reason. One in 133 Americans has celiac disease, an autoimmune digestive disease that damages the villi of the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food. As a result, people with celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten, a protein… Continue reading What Do You Know About Celiac Disease?

Put Your Psoriasis Story on Video

The most common autoimmune disease in the US, psoriasis affects as many as 7.5 million Americans. Yet many people think it’s just “a skin thing.” To help debunk this misunderstanding and show all the ways psoriasis impacts one’s life, the National Psoriasis Foundation is holding the first-ever film festival for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, a… Continue reading Put Your Psoriasis Story on Video