One for All (Video): The Road Ahead at PatientsLikeMe

“We’re just getting started on a long road to really impact your individual disease and your quality of life…” Each week this month, we’ll be posting a video interview with a member of the PatientsLikeMe executive team.  You’ll hear from Ben Heywood, Jamie Heywood, David S. Williams and Paul Wicks, Ph.D. about what the recent… Continue reading One for All (Video): The Road Ahead at PatientsLikeMe

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Openness in Healthcare (Episode 4)

“I think we can see there are a lot of ways where openness can be powerful.  What’s necessary is to help facilitate openness and reduce the barriers to sharing medical information.” – Ben Heywood PatientsLikeMe Co-Founder Ben Heywood has blogged previously about openness and sharing – and how important they are for patients. In this… Continue reading PatientsLikeMeOnCall™: “A Look Ahead” at Openness in Healthcare (Episode 4)

Look Ahead with PatientsLikeMeOnCall™

PatientsLikeMeOnCall™  is proud to present a new podcast series called “A Look Ahead.”  Through these dynamic podcasts, we will be diving into the major shifts PatientsLikeMe sees ahead for patients, patient care and patient/industry collaboration. At the end of 2010, PatientsLikeMeOnCall released an episode called “The Patient Rules.” In this group podcast, we sat down with… Continue reading Look Ahead with PatientsLikeMeOnCall™

The Patient Rules. A Discussion with the PatientsLikeMe Executives

We recently sat down with our executive team here at PatientsLikeMe in our first-ever roundtable-format podcast.  In this PatientsLikeMeOnCallTM interview, we ask Co-founders Ben and Jamie Heywood, Chief Marketing Officer David S. Williams III, and R&D Director Paul Wicks PhD to discuss why our recent series themes are so important to the history and future… Continue reading The Patient Rules. A Discussion with the PatientsLikeMe Executives

PatientsLikeMe at Health 2.0: Paths to Insight

Last month, I spoke once again at the Health 2.0 conference in San Francisco.  The video of my presentation is now online.  Here’s a snapshot of what I covered in the 6-minute talk: The wealth of data shared in a PatientsLikeMe treatment reports (e.g., what fibromyalgia patients are sharing about Cymbalta and Lyrica) A suite… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at Health 2.0: Paths to Insight

What Data Do We Sell? A Continued Discussion about “Data Scraping”

In response to the Wall Street Journal article published last week, we’ve had a lot of great discussions about the role of honesty and transparency. Transparency is about you – members of the PatientsLikeMe community – knowing how we make money and what we do with the data you’ve entrusted to each other and PatientsLikeMe.… Continue reading What Data Do We Sell? A Continued Discussion about “Data Scraping”

PatientsLikeMe in Wall Street Journal: Transparency, Openness and Privacy (cont’d)

Journalist Julia Angwin of the Wall Street Journal just published an article describing how a major media monitoring company, Nielsen BuzzMetrics,  scraped our forum last Spring.  (See my previous blog post on the incident – “Transparency, Openness and Privacy”) Julia’s piece includes details regarding how this incident happened, how we (and you) responded and more. … Continue reading PatientsLikeMe in Wall Street Journal: Transparency, Openness and Privacy (cont’d)

Transparency, Openness and Privacy

The following message was sent this morning to all members of PatientsLikeMe.  Please read what we have to say about openness, sharing and its privacy implications and join the conversation. **** Dear PatientsLikeMe Members, What are the privacy implications of sharing in this open, online community?  We talk a lot about this and, as a… Continue reading Transparency, Openness and Privacy

PatientsLikeMe – Out & About and OnCall

The PatientsLikeMe team has been traveling around the globe recently talking about the power of real-world patient data in changing healthcare.  You may have heard about our executives at industry conferences, government hearings, or even on TV.  Highlights below. Last month, PatientsLikeMe Co-founder and President Ben Heywood was on Fox Business News talking about how… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe – Out & About and OnCall

Who’s #2 in Healthcare Innovation?
You guessed it – PatientsLikeMe

It’s been an exciting few months for PatientsLikeMe.  Here’s a quick recap… Today, Fast Company released its annual  ranking of the 50 Most Innovative Companies in the World.  PatientsLikeMe made #23 on the list alongside big league companies like Facebook, Disney, Novartis and Amazon.  PatientsLikeMe was also named the second most innovative company in healthcare,… Continue reading Who’s #2 in Healthcare Innovation?
You guessed it – PatientsLikeMe