Building a True Picture of Diabetes During American Diabetes Month

November is American Diabetes Month, and this year, the American Diabetes Association is working to reshape the understanding of diabetes.  The goal is to raise awareness of the fact that diabetes is life-changing disease with a huge societal impact – and not a minor hindrance, as some people think. As part of this mission, the… Continue reading Building a True Picture of Diabetes During American Diabetes Month

Glaucoma: The Disease That Steals Your Sight

Did you know that as much as 40% of your vision can be lost due to glaucoma – without  your notice? That’s why they call glaucoma the “sneak thief of sight.”  There are no symptoms, and once your vision is lost, it’s permanent.  This is one of the urgent messages of National Glaucoma Awareness Month, which takes… Continue reading Glaucoma: The Disease That Steals Your Sight

Battling the Complications: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part II)

Last week, in Part I of this interview, PatientsLikeMe member and blogger Michael Burke shared his sister Linda’s struggle with type 1 diabetes.  Today, we learn about his own type 1 diabetes journey, including his June 2011 kidney transplant as a result of diabetes-induced kidney failure. 1.  What diabetes complications have you faced? Diabetes is… Continue reading Battling the Complications: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part II)