We’ve got a new look!

You probably already noticed, but the PatientsLikeMe blog just got a facelift. It’s all part of our ongoing effort to create a better site experience, and the feedback we’re getting from members is guiding us every step of the way. Check out all the upcoming site upgrades in Kim Goodwin’s post. Like she says, “nearly… Continue reading We’ve got a new look!

Tell The World: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part V – Marketing)

With every new member at PatientsLikeMe, there is more data generated for research, more dialogue about individual experiences, and a more expansive support network.  Additionally, with more patients we can become the world’s largest and loudest representative of the patient voice.  To that end, our job in marketing is to share your stories and tell… Continue reading Tell The World: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part V – Marketing)