PatientsLikeMe Unveils New Tool to Match Patients with Clinical Trials Worldwide

Launch at European NHS Healthcare Innovation Expo Comes as PatientsLikeMe Chairman Calls for Revolution in Disease Measurement CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Mar 13, 2013 — The U.S.-based patient network and real-time research platform PatientsLikeMe unveils its global clinical trials tool today at Europe’s Healthcare Innovation Expo 2013, hosted by the National Health Service (NHS). The free tool, unveiled today by… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe Unveils New Tool to Match Patients with Clinical Trials Worldwide

Why Should I Participate in a Clinical Trial?

“Before me, there were hundreds and thousands of other people with Parkinson’s who participated in clinical trials that gave me the ability to have the medications that I take today. If people today do not participate in clinical trials, there will be no cure. There will be no new medications.” – Parkinson’s patient Jean Last… Continue reading Why Should I Participate in a Clinical Trial?

A Little More About Us: A Look Back at the Founding of PatientsLikeMe

“I got this call from my brother Stephen, and he said the news doesn’t look good. At that point, he’d been through enough processes to know what that meant – he had ALS. So I began this journey with my brother and my family…. We were thinking there had to be a way to make… Continue reading A Little More About Us: A Look Back at the Founding of PatientsLikeMe

Improving the Clinical Trial Process with Shared Data

“Today is a day of massive celebration of what health innovators have done,” said US Department of Health & Human Services’ Chief Technology Officer Todd Park this morning as he welcomed everyone to the 2nd Annual Health Data Initiative Forum (or “Health Data-Palooza,” as Park called it). The goal? To create “a self-propelled, open ‘ecosystem… Continue reading Improving the Clinical Trial Process with Shared Data