Communicating with ALS: From devices to voice banking

Difficulty with speech and communication is a frustrating reality for many living with ALS. From apps to devices and voice banking, communication is a popular topic (as in over 35k conversations) on PatientsLikeMe, so we took a closer look into some of the options out there for pALS. Tablets: Windows vs. iPad vs. Android Trouble with typing… Continue reading Communicating with ALS: From devices to voice banking

Making the Impossible Possible: ALS Patient Tony “TEMPT ONE” Quan and the EyeWriter Device

For an ALS patient, an eye gaze system – a type of augmentative speech device that translates eye movements into words – can make it possible to communicate with loved ones when speech is impaired or lost.  But as animation studio owner Mick Ebeling found out, not every patient with advanced ALS has one.  The… Continue reading Making the Impossible Possible: ALS Patient Tony “TEMPT ONE” Quan and the EyeWriter Device