Aligning Interests: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part VII – Business Development)

2010 was a strong year for business development at PatientsLikeMe.  Our goal was – and continues to be – to align patients’ needs with industry interests in order to maximize interaction between the two.  Here are a few of our successes and challenges over the year. Successes 1.  New Partnerships, New Communities In the first… Continue reading Aligning Interests: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part VII – Business Development)

What Data Do We Sell? A Continued Discussion about “Data Scraping”

In response to the Wall Street Journal article published last week, we’ve had a lot of great discussions about the role of honesty and transparency. Transparency is about you – members of the PatientsLikeMe community – knowing how we make money and what we do with the data you’ve entrusted to each other and PatientsLikeMe.… Continue reading What Data Do We Sell? A Continued Discussion about “Data Scraping”