Medication Non-Adherence: The Costs and Complexities

On October 24-25th, PatientsLikeMe attended the 8th Annual Patient Adherence, Communication and Engagement (PACE) Conference in Philadelphia. The event focused on how the healthcare industry can deliver measurable improvements in patient adherence (i.e., taking medications as prescribed by your doctor).  Put simply, how can we help patients like you take the correct dosages at the correct… Continue reading Medication Non-Adherence: The Costs and Complexities

A Little More About Us: A Look Back at the Founding of PatientsLikeMe

“I got this call from my brother Stephen, and he said the news doesn’t look good. At that point, he’d been through enough processes to know what that meant – he had ALS. So I began this journey with my brother and my family…. We were thinking there had to be a way to make… Continue reading A Little More About Us: A Look Back at the Founding of PatientsLikeMe

BBK and PatientsLikeMe: Combining Strengths to Help Patients Everywhere

Recently, PatientsLikeMe Chief Marketing Officer David S. Williams III had the opportunity to participate in a podcast interview with the industry magazine PharmaVOICE. Along with Bonnie Brescia, a Founding Principal of BBK Worldwide, he fielded questions about how the new alliance between our two companies can both enhance and expedite the clinical trial recruitment process.… Continue reading BBK and PatientsLikeMe: Combining Strengths to Help Patients Everywhere

Aligning Interests: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part VII – Business Development)

2010 was a strong year for business development at PatientsLikeMe.  Our goal was – and continues to be – to align patients’ needs with industry interests in order to maximize interaction between the two.  Here are a few of our successes and challenges over the year. Successes 1.  New Partnerships, New Communities In the first… Continue reading Aligning Interests: A PatientsLikeMe Year in Review (Part VII – Business Development)