Illustrating member perspectives on life with chronic illness

In medical terms, most health conditions have clear definitions. But only people living with chronic illness know what it really feels like to live with it — and making others understand can be a challenge. When we asked some PatientsLikeMe members to explain what life was like with their condition, their responses painted vivid pictures of what… Continue reading Illustrating member perspectives on life with chronic illness

More than a pretty face

You’ll soon see some changes to the way PatientsLikeMe looks, including new icons, colors and fonts. This might look like we’re just redecorating, but these changes are fundamental to helping us make the bigger improvements you’ve been asking for. We’re still putting a bit of polish on it, but here’s an overview of what’s changing,… Continue reading More than a pretty face

Exciting New ALS Progression Chart Upgrades

Today, we’re announcing an exciting major upgrade to our PatientsLikeMe platform – new profile charts with significant functional improvements. We started PatientsLikeMe with the idea that visualizing your condition and treatment history over time is a powerful way to understand the impact of your treatment choices and tell the story of your progress to other… Continue reading Exciting New ALS Progression Chart Upgrades