Keeping it fresh for heart health month

Did you know February is Heart Health Month? Although heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in America, it’s also one of the most preventable diseases. It may seem impossible to stay on top of your heart health, but remember, sometimes the slightest change can make a huge impact!… Continue reading Keeping it fresh for heart health month

Food for thought: August (diet) edition

Many mothers have told their children “you are what you eat,” but some PatientsLikeMe members have taken that idea one step further and are using their diets to try and manage the symptoms of their conditions. People have been sharing about everything from gluten-free to vegan diets – check out what some people said in… Continue reading Food for thought: August (diet) edition

Food for thought: August edition

Are you trying to lose weight in time for the fall? Or are you hoping to gain a few pounds instead? Weight fluctuation is a part of everyone’s life, and PatientsLikeMe members have been sharing about their weight management in the forum, everything from the Primal Blueprint 21-day diet to alternative substitutes for pasta and… Continue reading Food for thought: August edition

Food for thought: June edition

For the past couple months, we’ve been sharing about different members’ favorite foods and recipes, and we’re keeping it going with multiple sclerosis members discussing the pros and cons of smoothies, ALS patients talking about getting sleepy after steak, and the fibromyalgia community sharing about cutting foods out of their diets. MS forum thread: Nutrition… Continue reading Food for thought: June edition

Food for Thought: Recipes, Diets and Tips

What’s for dinner? Does this phrase haunt you the same way it does us? It is hard to come up with something to eat for every meal each day, especially if you have dietary restrictions due to your condition. If you feel like you are stuck in a meal rut, the PatientsLikeMe community is here… Continue reading Food for Thought: Recipes, Diets and Tips

Rediscovering Life’s Simple Pleasures: An Interview with a Heart Patient

Last week, we recognized World Heart Day on the blog and discussed why there is an urgent need for awareness about heart disease and stroke, the world’s number one killer.  We also talked about how heart disease can be an abstract concept until you are exposed to someone’s personal story. That’s why we are pleased… Continue reading Rediscovering Life’s Simple Pleasures: An Interview with a Heart Patient

What Do You Know About Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?

February is AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month, sponsored by Prevent Blindness America.  Affecting part of the back of the eye called the macula, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can cause the center area of your vision to become blurry or wavy.  It can also create a blind spot right in the center of your vision. As the… Continue reading What Do You Know About Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?

PatientsLikeMe® Poll Reveals Patients Share Health Data Online Prefer to Keep Quiet With Doctors, Employers

Patients Unveil Top Reasons Not to Share Health Information CAMBRIDGE, MA–(Marketwire – April 13, 2011) – According to a new PatientsLikeMe® Poll, almost one in three (29%) patients have withheld certain health information from their doctor. Of the 4,364 poll respondents, all of whom are members of PatientsLikeMe’s online health data-sharing community (, nearly half (47%)… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe® Poll Reveals Patients Share Health Data Online Prefer to Keep Quiet With Doctors, Employers