Keto + other diet trends: Healthy or hype?

Keto. Carnivore. Fasting. What should you know about these diet buzzwords and the potential benefits or risks, especially when you’re living with an existing or chronic health condition? Take a peek (and always talk with your doctor before making big dietary changes). 3 Hot Diet Trends In 2019 According to Google Trends data (accessed in early 2019),… Continue reading Keto + other diet trends: Healthy or hype?

Why is dietary advice so all over the place? Nutrition experts explain

If you’re confused about what kind of milk to drink, what type of cooking oil is “healthiest” or whether the Mediterranean diet is the ticket to heart health, you’re not alone. Nutrition experts dig into the complexity of dietary research. Digesting dietary advice The constant churn of nutrition news, books and blog posts — combined… Continue reading Why is dietary advice so all over the place? Nutrition experts explain