Data donations make wishes come true

Back in December 2014, the PatientsLikeMe community donated 450,000 health data points during the 24 Days of Giving campaign, and a special thanks to everyone who participated and have continued to donate their data for good. Every donation made wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions, and on behalf of the community, PatientsLikeMe made… Continue reading Data donations make wishes come true

Caregivers and companions – PatientsLikeMe members talk about their service animals

Service animals are often a topic of conversation in the PatientsLikeMe community, and many members frequently share their experiences with their furry friends. For example, Ted wrote about his service dog Catti-Brie in his blog interview. Here’s what other members are sharing about their animals: “Just last night when I was having a rough dream… Continue reading Caregivers and companions – PatientsLikeMe members talk about their service animals