What’s the right-to-try bill + possible pros and cons?

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed legislation that could give terminally ill patients the “right to try” experimental treatments — so what’s the controversy? Catch up on the topic and share your thoughts below. “Right-to-try,” in a nutshell The “right-to-try” bill aims to give terminally ill patients who’ve exhausted all other treatment options quicker… Continue reading What’s the right-to-try bill + possible pros and cons?

The lowdown on generic MS medications

From FDA approvals to availability and safety, generic drugs are a popular topic in the PatientsLikeMe MS forum (more than 15 threads!). To help you stay in the loop about what generics are and what’s out there for MS, we checked in with our team of in-house health professionals. Here’s the scoop… Let’s start with… Continue reading The lowdown on generic MS medications