How to Thrive: Takeaways from TEDx Cambridge

Patient Experience Manager Kate Brigham and I attended TEDx Cambridge last week, a one-day event full of thought-provoking and inspirational talks about Ideas Worth Spreading (TED’s mission). The participants didn’t want to just survive, they wanted to Thrive, which was this year’s theme. Speakers, including our President and Co-Founder Ben Heywood, enlightened the crowd with… Continue reading How to Thrive: Takeaways from TEDx Cambridge

One for All: Interview with Babsie (Fibromyalgia Community Welcomer)

To close out this week’s blog series (“One for All”), we bring you an interview with another noted “welcomer” from our Fibromyalgia community.  Meet Babsie.  A member of the 19,000-member community, she has commented on hundreds of patient profiles to date (which is highlighted in a graphic on Jeff Cole’s earlier blog here).   Read… Continue reading One for All: Interview with Babsie (Fibromyalgia Community Welcomer)

One for All: Interview with Diamondlil58 (Welcomer of 15k Patients)

We’ve been learning about how connected our patients are this week in our blog series called “One for All.”  In the first two blogs by Jeff Cole, we read (and saw through cool graphics) how some of our members are initiating an unparalleled universe of dialogue.  Today, we sit down with one of those members,… Continue reading One for All: Interview with Diamondlil58 (Welcomer of 15k Patients)