The Patient Voice- Fibromyalgia member Becca shares her story

  What does sharing about health experiences and donating #dataforgood mean to her? “I’m hoping that my contribution is going to help others who come behind me who have these conditions have an easier time of it.” -Becca If you missed our video interview with Ed, a Parkinson’s disease member, you can catch that here.

Spreading the word for arthritis

Lupus? Check. Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS? Check. ALS, cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, mental health, schizophrenia, anxiety and depression? Check! There’s been a ton of awareness going on in May, but there’s still one more theme to go – National Arthritis Awareness Month. This month, the Arthritis Foundation (AF) is encouraging us all to spread the word to… Continue reading Spreading the word for arthritis

Making fibromyalgia visible this May

The National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association (NfmCPA) is recognizing Fibromyalgia Awareness Month with an awesome theme – “C.A.R.E. & Make Fibromyalgia Visible.” C.A.R.E. stands for Contribute, Advocate, participate in Research, and Educate others about fibromyalgia, and that’s exactly what’s going on throughout May. Fibromyalgia (commonly shortened to “fibro”) causes widespread body pain or aching muscles – myalgia –… Continue reading Making fibromyalgia visible this May

Food for Thought: Recipes, Diets and Tips

What’s for dinner? Does this phrase haunt you the same way it does us? It is hard to come up with something to eat for every meal each day, especially if you have dietary restrictions due to your condition. If you feel like you are stuck in a meal rut, the PatientsLikeMe community is here… Continue reading Food for Thought: Recipes, Diets and Tips

Patient Interview: “A Sense of Togetherness, Love and Unity”

This week’s “Treat Us Right” theme focused a lot on the sentiments and data you share every day to help others learn more about your real-world experiences.  We, at PatientsLikeMe, also like to just check in to see how you’re doing as a person, not just a patient.  Here’s an interview with member “jesus reigns,”… Continue reading Patient Interview: “A Sense of Togetherness, Love and Unity”

Patients Like Me Can Run 13.1 Miles With Fibromyalgia

13.1 grueling miles.  A half marathon.  Running that distance for anyone is a challenge that takes months of training and dedication.  Imagine running that distance having fibromyalgia. My close friend and PatientsLikeMe member, Minnie Lee, has fibromyalgia and courageously ran in the Surf City Half Marathon last Sunday.  This wasn’t even her first time running… Continue reading Patients Like Me Can Run 13.1 Miles With Fibromyalgia

Voices of Fibromyalgia: Patient Video

As we end the year, we give you the last 2008 video from PatientsLikeMe and the first of our new fibromyalgia community.  We asked this newly launched community to tell us “How are you overcoming fibromyalgia?”  This is what they had to say: Thanks to all of you who contributed your “voice” to this video.… Continue reading Voices of Fibromyalgia: Patient Video