Getting to know our Team of Advisors – Karla

This past Monday on the blog, Emile shared about her fibromyalgia and what being a part of the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors means to her, including how she hopes to help doctors understand that patients need to be treated as individuals, rather than just disease names. Today, we’re featuring Karla. She’s also a member of… Continue reading Getting to know our Team of Advisors – Karla

Getting to know our Team of Advisors – Emilie

If you’ve been following the blog, you’ve already met three members of the PatientsLikeMe Team of Advisors – Dana who is living with bipolar II, Lisa who is living with Parkinson’s and Becky who is living with epilepsy. Now, we’d like to introduce Emilie, a social worker and therapist who is living with Sjogren’s Syndrome and… Continue reading Getting to know our Team of Advisors – Emilie

Food for Thought: September weather and autumn recipes

Around the PatientsLikeMe office in Boston, the leaves are beginning to turn red, yellow, orange and gold, and everyone is starting to bundle up as the weather gets colder. In turn, PatientsLikeMe members have been sharing their favorite fall recipes and some thoughts about how the weather impacts the conditions they live with. Here’s what… Continue reading Food for Thought: September weather and autumn recipes

“In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Tam writes about (your) life with MS

If you were living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and someone said to you, “Well I get tired too, but I don’t go lay down in bed all day,” how would you respond? Invisible symptoms like pain and fatigue are hard to describe to someone who doesn’t get it or isn’t living with MS. But to… Continue reading “In my own words” – PatientsLikeMe member Tam writes about (your) life with MS

Food for thought: June edition

For the past couple months, we’ve been sharing about different members’ favorite foods and recipes, and we’re keeping it going with multiple sclerosis members discussing the pros and cons of smoothies, ALS patients talking about getting sleepy after steak, and the fibromyalgia community sharing about cutting foods out of their diets. MS forum thread: Nutrition… Continue reading Food for thought: June edition

Food for thought: May edition

Just last month, we shared about some of our community members’ favorite foods, and about how what they choose to eat can impact the conditions they live with every day. We heard from the fibromyalgia, type 2 diabetes and multiple sclerosis communities – and to keep the series going, we’ve got three new hot, or… Continue reading Food for thought: May edition

The Patient Voice- Fibromyalgia member Becca shares her story

  What does sharing about health experiences and donating #dataforgood mean to her? “I’m hoping that my contribution is going to help others who come behind me who have these conditions have an easier time of it.” -Becca If you missed our video interview with Ed, a Parkinson’s disease member, you can catch that here.

Spreading the word for arthritis

Lupus? Check. Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS? Check. ALS, cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, mental health, schizophrenia, anxiety and depression? Check! There’s been a ton of awareness going on in May, but there’s still one more theme to go – National Arthritis Awareness Month. This month, the Arthritis Foundation (AF) is encouraging us all to spread the word to… Continue reading Spreading the word for arthritis

Turning blue for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness

Did you know that today is International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CINDs)? CINDs include fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Lyme disease and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also know as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME/CFS). ME/CFS is tough to diagnose because there are no tests for it, and other conditions can cause very similar… Continue reading Turning blue for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness

Making fibromyalgia visible this May

The National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association (NfmCPA) is recognizing Fibromyalgia Awareness Month with an awesome theme – “C.A.R.E. & Make Fibromyalgia Visible.” C.A.R.E. stands for Contribute, Advocate, participate in Research, and Educate others about fibromyalgia, and that’s exactly what’s going on throughout May. Fibromyalgia (commonly shortened to “fibro”) causes widespread body pain or aching muscles – myalgia –… Continue reading Making fibromyalgia visible this May