Mental Health and Gambling: Understanding Impulses

Let’s run through a few statistics. The commercial gross revenue of the gambling industry in the US in 2022 was $60.42 billion. That would make gambling in the US alone the 84th richest country in the world. In 2020, it was $29.98 billion. Bit of a leap! And that is revenue. That is money that… Continue reading Mental Health and Gambling: Understanding Impulses

Gambling in online PD patients higher than previously reported

When most people think of Parkinson’s disease (PD), they think of a shuffling gait, a shaky hand, and slowness of movement. As awareness has increased of the non-movement symptoms of PD, such as hallucinations and depression, we’ve seen the psychological consequences the disease can have too. More recently, studies in the scientific literature have been… Continue reading Gambling in online PD patients higher than previously reported