How Heart Attack Warning Signs Differ in Women

A heart attack is unmistakable, right?  Not exactly.  And especially not if you’re a woman. We kicked off February by recognizing National Wear Red Day and sharing a hilarious video created by actress Elizabeth Banks for American Heart Month.  In the short piece, a harried working mother begins having strange symptoms one morning, including tightness… Continue reading How Heart Attack Warning Signs Differ in Women

Are You Decked Out in Red Today?

We are!  Check out the PatientsLikeMe team members who donned red items (everything from ties to scarves to dresses) in support of National Wear Red Day.  Here’s to increasing awareness of heart disease – the number one killer of women – in 2012. Stay tuned for more about cardiovascular health throughout February, which is Heart… Continue reading Are You Decked Out in Red Today?

Wear Red Tomorrow for Women’s Heart Health

Did you know that heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined?  And that it’s largely preventable? Now you do – and there’s something you can do about it.  Participate in National Wear Red Day® tomorrow, February 3, 2012.  Better yet, get your friends and co-workers to dig into their closets as well.  Together,… Continue reading Wear Red Tomorrow for Women’s Heart Health

Battling the Complications: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part II)

Last week, in Part I of this interview, PatientsLikeMe member and blogger Michael Burke shared his sister Linda’s struggle with type 1 diabetes.  Today, we learn about his own type 1 diabetes journey, including his June 2011 kidney transplant as a result of diabetes-induced kidney failure. 1.  What diabetes complications have you faced? Diabetes is… Continue reading Battling the Complications: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part II)

Medication Non-Adherence: The Costs and Complexities

On October 24-25th, PatientsLikeMe attended the 8th Annual Patient Adherence, Communication and Engagement (PACE) Conference in Philadelphia. The event focused on how the healthcare industry can deliver measurable improvements in patient adherence (i.e., taking medications as prescribed by your doctor).  Put simply, how can we help patients like you take the correct dosages at the correct… Continue reading Medication Non-Adherence: The Costs and Complexities

Remembering My Sister Linda: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part I)

As we’ve discussed in recent blog posts, November is American Diabetes Month.  To help you learn about diabetes from a patient’s point of view, we interviewed Michael Burke, a PatientsLikeMe member who writes “Life on the T List”, a blog about his life as a diabetic before and after a kidney transplant. But as you’ll soon… Continue reading Remembering My Sister Linda: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part I)

Be of Good Heart Today

Today, September 29th, is World Heart Day. Sponsored by the World Heart Federation, this annual event was started in 2000 to raise awareness about heart disease and stroke, the world’s leading cause of death with more than 17.1 million lives lost each year. All around the globe, activities such as talks, screenings, walks, concerts and… Continue reading Be of Good Heart Today

How’s Your HDL and LDL?

September is National Cholesterol Education Month, which means it’s a good time to find out your total cholesterol levels as well as your HDL (“good” cholesterol) and LDL (“bad” cholesterol) levels. Have you had them checked in the last five years? More than 102 million Americans have a total cholesterol level at or above 200… Continue reading How’s Your HDL and LDL?

Let’s Talk About Men’s Health

Did you know that, on average, American men are more likely to live sicker and die younger than American women? This has been called “the silent health crisis in America” by Dr. David Gremillion of the Men’s Health Network, and it’s one of the startling health statistics for men being brought to the surface during National… Continue reading Let’s Talk About Men’s Health