$70,000 at Stake in the “Reporting Safety Events Challenge”

How serious is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) about increasing patient safety?   So serious that they are running a contest challenging the best and brightest developers to create a platform that makes it easier to report a patient safety event electronically. The… Continue reading $70,000 at Stake in the “Reporting Safety Events Challenge”

What’s in Your Health Record?

If you’re living in an Internet-enabled household, chances are you have all or most of your banking information at your fingertips.  Can you say the same for your health information?  For many, these important records are locked away in filing cabinets or kept at your doctor’s offices. Despite the fact that patients have a legal… Continue reading What’s in Your Health Record?

Wear Red Tomorrow for Women’s Heart Health

Did you know that heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined?  And that it’s largely preventable? Now you do – and there’s something you can do about it.  Participate in National Wear Red Day® tomorrow, February 3, 2012.  Better yet, get your friends and co-workers to dig into their closets as well.  Together,… Continue reading Wear Red Tomorrow for Women’s Heart Health

Enter the Healthy New Year Video Challenge

Did you make a health-related New Year’s resolution?  And are you using technology—such as a smartphone app or website—to achieve your goal?  Create a short video about it, and you could win prizes ranging from $250 to $2,000 if your video is selected as one of the best! Sponsored by the US Department of Health… Continue reading Enter the Healthy New Year Video Challenge

Our Pledge to You, the Patient

“We founded PatientsLikeMe on the concept that sharing health data could lead to a more empowered patient and better overall healthcare system. It’s an exciting and giant step forward for us as an industry as we unite around making health data more accessible to those that matter most – the patients.” – Ben Heywood, PatientsLikeMe… Continue reading Our Pledge to You, the Patient