Social media users say ‘yes’ to sharing health data

There are some new survey results that just came out from the Institute of Medicine’s Evidence Communication Innovation Collaborative (ECIC) that show social media users give the stamp of approval to sharing health data. (A big, public shout out to the more than 2,000 PatientsLikeMe members who participated in the survey.) It’s very exciting to… Continue reading Social media users say ‘yes’ to sharing health data

Can patients become innovators? Rishi Bhalerao from PatientsLikeMe speaks at TEDx Springfield 2013

Rishi Bhalerao, our Program Director of Client Services, recently spoke about patient innovation at the 2013 TEDx conference in Springfield, MA. Rishi talked about how the path to innovation begins right with patients because they are the ones who live with a condition day-in and day-out. Their sharing helps bridge the gap from patient to… Continue reading Can patients become innovators? Rishi Bhalerao from PatientsLikeMe speaks at TEDx Springfield 2013

H@cking Medicine: Open Up!

This weekend, MIT is hosting the first H@cking Medicine conference and PatientsLikeMe is proud to be a sponsor. The hacking encouraged here isn’t malicious, rather, it refers to a passionate subculture of computer programmers who believe in sharing, openness, and innovation (among other things).  Those are three concepts near and dear to us here at… Continue reading H@cking Medicine: Open Up!

PatientsLikeMe at the NHS Innovations Expo

If you’ve ever tuned in to one of our podcasts or had a chance to view one of our videos, there’s a certain characteristic you might have noticed about me.  I’m British.  Very British indeed. During the course of my academic research career, I spent 6 years working alongside neurologists, psychiatrists, and a multidisciplinary team… Continue reading PatientsLikeMe at the NHS Innovations Expo