Member voices: I have IBS, here’s what I do…

If you’re living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) you’re not alone. In fact, IBS affects up to 1 in 7 Americans, so chances are you may know someone who is going through the same thing. Despite it being so common, many people living with IBS are unaware that their symptoms indicate a medically recognized disorder,… Continue reading Member voices: I have IBS, here’s what I do…

Food for Thought: IBS Awareness Month edition

  Did you know that 9% – 23% of the world’s population live with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)1, including over 5,000 members on PatientsLikeMe? For IBS Awareness Month, we’re digging deeper into how people are coping with this condition that affects so many. We asked IBS members for some insight — which foods help and… Continue reading Food for Thought: IBS Awareness Month edition

Recognizing the signs of IBS

Did you know that between 25 and 45 million people in the United States have IBS, but that many do not seek medical care for their symptoms?1 Are you one of them? Improved knowledge about IBS could lead to better treatments and care, and that’s why the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) has… Continue reading Recognizing the signs of IBS

Promoting better digestive health in April

The digestive system contains a bunch of organs (8 to be exact), everything from your stomach to your gallbladder. It’s important to be aware of what can affect all these parts, and this is why back in 1997, the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) designated April as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month.… Continue reading Promoting better digestive health in April

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month

Did you know that between 9%-23% of people around the world suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? However, many remain undiagnosed and just aren’t aware “that their symptoms indicate a medically recognized disorder.”[1] April is IBS Awareness Month and the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) is working to get information out to the… Continue reading Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month

Does Microscopic Colitis Go Away?

You may have heard of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but have you heard of microscopic colitis?  One of several conditions under the IBD umbrella, this chronic, inflammatory disorder of the colon (aka the large intestine) can cause watery diarrhea and abdominal pain.  It gets its name from the fact that microscopic examination of the intestinal… Continue reading Does Microscopic Colitis Go Away?

Probiotic Users: Have You Experienced AccuFlora Side Effects?

At PatientsLikeMe, where more than 115,000 patients are sharing their experiences with prescription drugs, supplements and more, 20 patients report taking the probiotic AccuFlora while zero patients report experiencing AccuFlora side effects.  In addition, zero patients report discontinuing the supplement as a result of AccuFlora side effects.  The seven patients who have stopped taking AccuFlora… Continue reading Probiotic Users: Have You Experienced AccuFlora Side Effects?