Adding Salt to Meals Increases Risk of Kidney Disease

New research from the UK Biobank suggests that regularly adding salt to meals may increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease by up to 11%. The study, involving 465,288 people, found a correlation between salt consumption and kidney disease. Diabetes and high blood pressure are known causes of this condition. However, those who frequently… Continue reading Adding Salt to Meals Increases Risk of Kidney Disease

10 Early Warning Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease

How often do you think about your kidneys? Probably not very often. When your kidneys are functioning properly, it’s easy to forget what a key role they play in your health. But when your kidneys aren’t working as well as they should, your body will send you warning signals to let you know something is wrong. These warnings can be early indicators of chronic kidney disease.   What is… Continue reading 10 Early Warning Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease

What You Need to Know About Creatinine Levels for Kidney Disease

The main function of the kidneys is to remove waste products from the body. One way to measure kidney function is by testing creatinine levels. High or low levels of creatinine aren’t necessarily harmful on their own but can be an indicator of serious health conditions like chronic kidney disease. What is creatinine? Creatinine is… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Creatinine Levels for Kidney Disease

6 Best Foods for Chronic Kidney Disease

When you were first diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD), you may have been told you need to modify your diet. While it’s true that nutrition significantly impacts chronic illness, and eating foods that are high in nutrients and minimally processed, combined with some exercise, can help prevent and minimize symptoms of kidney disease, you… Continue reading 6 Best Foods for Chronic Kidney Disease

Lessons Learned on a Seventeen Year Journey to Diagnosis

Meet Trisha (@DXMS06) Before Trisha Bordelon, a 69-year-old PatientsLikeMe (PLM) user from Springfield, Missouri, officially received any diagnosis, she was guilty of what many of us in her shoes would do – spend hours going down a rabbit hole of internet searches to try and figure out what was going on with her health. She… Continue reading Lessons Learned on a Seventeen Year Journey to Diagnosis

Getting “Patients Included” right Part II: Planning a patient-centric event

You may remember Part I of this blog that focused on the experiences of two PatientsLikeMe members who attended the Kidney Health Initiative’s (KHI) workshop, “Understanding patients’ preferences: Stimulating medical device development in kidney disease,” back in August. KHI is a partnership between the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Society of… Continue reading Getting “Patients Included” right Part II: Planning a patient-centric event

Getting “Patients Included” right Part I: Two members attend a Kidney Health Initiative workshop

Back in August, the Kidney Health Initiative (KHI), a partnership between the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), held a workshop called “Understanding patients’ preferences: Stimulating medical device development in kidney disease.” But this was more than a workshop – it was an event centered around the idea… Continue reading Getting “Patients Included” right Part I: Two members attend a Kidney Health Initiative workshop

Battling the Complications: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part II)

Last week, in Part I of this interview, PatientsLikeMe member and blogger Michael Burke shared his sister Linda’s struggle with type 1 diabetes.  Today, we learn about his own type 1 diabetes journey, including his June 2011 kidney transplant as a result of diabetes-induced kidney failure. 1.  What diabetes complications have you faced? Diabetes is… Continue reading Battling the Complications: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part II)

Remembering My Sister Linda: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part I)

As we’ve discussed in recent blog posts, November is American Diabetes Month.  To help you learn about diabetes from a patient’s point of view, we interviewed Michael Burke, a PatientsLikeMe member who writes “Life on the T List”, a blog about his life as a diabetic before and after a kidney transplant. But as you’ll soon… Continue reading Remembering My Sister Linda: An Interview with Diabetes Patient Michael Burke (Part I)